Book Review: Big C, little c by Connie Lewis Leonard
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Big C, little c by Connie Lewis Leonard
Synopsis from the back of the book:
Lyn Newton’s foundation is rocked by the diagnosis of cancer. Assaulted by one crisis after another, her family fights for life, life as they’ve known it, life as they hope it will be, and finally the life Christ has planned for them. With prayer and the support of Lyn’s ladies’ Bible study group, they discover the peace of Christ, “The Big C,” who is greater than any calamity of life, including cancer. Through laughter and tears, the Newton family is drawn back together, stronger in love for each other and faith in God.
My review:
This novel is a look at the devastation that cancer (ultimately the “little c”) causes in a family and the struggle to lean on Jesus Christ (the “Big C”) for help and answers. I would highly recommend this novel for anyone who has been touched by cancer in some way. The prayers of Lyn and the Bible verses quoted throughout are uplifting and great reminders of letting God take control.
That being said, I had mixed emotions while I was reading it. I would attribute some of that to not having much personal experience with cancer on that level. At first, I felt as if the Bible verses and the advice of Lyn’s ladies’ Bible study group were a little preachy. As I got to know Lyn and her family, I was able to get past that. I was on the edge of my seat at times when crisis after crisis assaulted the poor family. Finally I was happy and relieved to see the healing process begin for them. It was definitely a roller coaster ride for me.
Ultimately, I liked that God was glorified throughout and I thought the author did a good job conveying the difficulties that cancer presents for both the victims and their loved ones.
What I enjoyed most about this book:
The encouragement that this novel offers to people who are going through major illness either directly or indirectly.
What I didn’t like about this book:
The women of Lyn’s Bible study group were quick to give out Bible verses as encouragement, which is good, but sometimes felt preachy to me.
My rating: 4 out of 5 stars
Would I recommend this book to others?
I would definitely recommend this book to anyone who has been touched by a major illness such as cancer (either as a victim or as a friend/family member). This book offers encouragement that you are not alone and that God is with you every step of the way.
Where can I learn more about this author and their books?
Connie Lewis Leonard, Author Website
Note: I won this book in a book giveaway and was not required to give any reviews. This review is my own personal opinion.
[tweetthis]Big C, little c by Connie Lewis Leonard (4 out of 5 stars) #BookReview [/tweetthis]
This book was autographed by the author to me so I am not doing an official giveaway for it. However, I do not want to sit on this book when it could benefit someone going through the cancer scare. So if you or someone you know would benefit from reading this book, please email me personally at info(AT)lorainenunley(DOT)com, tell me who you would like to win this book for and why. I will choose a winner from those emails.
-Loraine Nunley