My Writing Life: Typing “The End”
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I did it!
I finally typed those precious words on my romantic suspense manuscript.
“The End”
I am relieved, elated, and scared all at the same time because this isn’t really the end. It is just the beginning. I have to revise and edit. Prepare and pitch. Learn from critiques. Polish and shine. Market and send it out into the world. Bite my nails and hope that the story touches my readers.
Is there something that you’ve worked long and hard for? Something that you despaired of ever happening? Something that God transformed out of your weakness?
This writing process is that for me.
Deep breath Loraine. š
It is time to take a deep breath and put it into God’s lap. I will take a short break from that story so that God can refresh it for me and I can look at it with new eyes.
In the meantime, I will enjoy other authors who have come before me. I will soak up knowledge about the writing craft. I will brainstorm new projects. I will begin drafting a new story.
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