10 Things the C-130 Hercules can transport
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The C-130 Hercules has been transporting things for over 50 years. It is the transport military aircraft that has been used the longest. It can carry up to 42,000 pounds of cargo.
Here are 10 things that can be transported by the C-130 Hercules:
- Tanks
2. Boats
3. Missiles
4. Fire Retardant Tanks
5. Firetrucks
6. Tactical Trucks
7. Fuel trucks
8. Jeeps (Humvees)
9. Relief Supplies
10.Β Our Troops
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Note:Β All pictures are public domain photos from Wikimedia Commons.

Kathy Anderson
They can also be used to transport medical evacuees from our military bases around the globe. I accompanied my husband when he was evacuated from Germany. Make sure to bring a good pair of ear plugs.
Yes, my husband always had a ready supply of earplugs. LOL. Thanks for the info Kathy!
Mrs Ledon Langston.
My husband was a flight surgeon from 68 to 70 stationed at Pope Airforce base which was part of Fort Bragg at the time. He loved the c-130. He was attached to the 778th tactical airlift squadron who flew the 130. When he flew in them, many times it was loaded with an entire hospital headed for somewhere in Vietnam. He passed away 2 years ago and wS buried with military honors. He loved every minute of being a soldier
I’m sorry for your loss. Thank you so much for sharing your husband and his experience with us. What a great tribute. π
wow im doing research on the C130 hercules plane because its so far my favorite plane… this gave me a bit of information so thanks!
That’s great Scott. I love the C130s. Welcome to my website. π
Thanks! Im really looking forward to reading your book about the C130 Hercules! I really love planes but I don’t have a specific plane I love more than the C 130 and its dream of mine to actually fly one some day π
That’s a wonderful dream Scott. I hope you achieve it. π
Thank you! And uh about the book you wrote about it is it mostly pics?
Yes. It was written to introduce children to the aircraft.
Cool ill be sure to check it out
Stan Merrell
I severed in the Air Force ’71-’75 as aircraft mechanic and assigned to C-130s. stationed at Elmendorf AFB Anchorage, AL Most supported the radar sites along the Aleution Chain. We had a few with skis and had temporary duty in Sondrestrom Greenland. We had two radar sites on the ice cape and fly supplies to them nearly ever day. Heck of a plane, land on short runways or ice.
Welcome to my website Stan. Thank you for your service. The more I researched the C130, the more I realized how very special it was. π
Michael vesper
I served as an air traffic controller in the AF 1966-1970. First 2 years at Sewart AFB TN where C130 pilots trained for Vietnam Nam. So weβre the controllers. I somehow ended up at Sondrestrom AB. We had several C130s with the skis that resupplied those radar sites and they flew all year if memory serves. But the most impressive thing about those Herky Birds were the JATO bottles they all had built into the rear end. I never saw them take off using them but I did see a few crews light them up doing a low approach signifying last mission to the ice. Quite against the rules but what a sight!!!
Welcome to my website Michael. Thanks for sharing and thank you for your service. π
Al Muller
I flew JC 130s (B and H) in Hickham Field in 1967 to 1971. We were an aerial recovery squadron catching spy satellite film canisters which were immediately carried to presidents etc ( Eisehower, Johnson, Macnamara etal) who based their war strategy on these. Later the job went to helicopters trapping film taken by drones
Wow that is so neat Al! Thanks for visiting my website. π
John Brown
Why not design a roll on roll off water tank to supply fire fighting in australia for our obsolete C130s
Welcome to my website John. I’m not sure what Australia uses for their firefighting but I do know that in the U.S., there are C130s specifically used by the firefighters. Here’s a pic: C130 Waterdrop
My daughter is in the Air Force and was a Load Master for the C-130 in Minneapolis. She loved it and now became an Officer and is heading to pilot training to be a C-130 pilot. She leaves in a month for Mississippi for her first 13 months of training.
That is awesome Stacie! Welcome to my website. Thank you for commenting and thank your daughter for her service. π
Pam Rochester
I was in the office (1972-1974) that scheduled the logistics flights for the Mediterranean area. Our squadron, VR24, had 4 C130s. JM797 (registration number 149797) was the most reliable of the four. Unfortunately, VR24 has since been disbanded.
Welcome to my website Pam. Thanks for commenting and thank you for your service. π
Michael Smith
I was in the US Air Force from 66 to 70 on the C130βs. I was on the E model in 67 to 68 at CCK as a assistant crew chief. They were 62 models. Then was on AC130Aβs at Udon 54 models as a Crew Chief and on the flight crew. Then back on 63, 64 E Modelβs at Dyess from 69 til I got out in June of 70 as a Crew Chief.
Welcome to my website Michael and thank you for your service. π
Ralph Bemis
C-130 load master from 1966 till I retired in 1986.
1966 till 1967 C-130 E
1968 till 1969 C-130 B
1969 till 1986 C-130 E & H
Look up 63-7775 E. That’s the plane I left in V N
Welcome to my website Ralph. Thanks for commenting and thank you for your service. π
Frank Walker
In 1965 when I was returning from TDY in Philippines in a c130. We hit severe turbulence approaching Hawaii which scrambled all our cargo which was not tied down and personnel likewise! I found the roof of the cabin before falling into the cargo pile! We were grounded for a day Hickam for exraying the plane for damage. Following the exam we left Hickam and flew directly to Sewart AFB here NON STOP! 4,270 miles. Range of c130 is listed as 2,361!!!
That’s amazing Frank! Thank you for sharing that with us and for your service. π