Book Review: The Bound Heart by Dawn Crandall
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Synopsis from author’s website:
One accidental kiss. That was all it took to throw Meredyth Summercourt’s world upside-down. Determined to marry the ever-elusive Vance Everstone, she simply doesn’t have the time or the desire to fall for her friend Lawry Hampton. However, with Vance out of the country and Lawry constantly at her side, Meredyth can’t help but wonder if what’s holding her to Vance is nothing more than a desire to redeem herself from their unfortunate past.
When Vance comes home to stake his claim on Meredyth, will she be strong enough to break free from the tangled web she’s convinced she deserves? Or will she find the strength to accept that God’s plan for her life could include redemption… and quite possibly the love of her best-friend?
My review:
This was an interesting story. Meredyth has her mind set on marrying one man and Lawry makes her want to throw all of her good intentions right out the window. With the position that she had set herself in, I wondered how things between her and Lawry could ever turn out good.
I really enjoyed Meredyth and Lawry from the first book in this series so I was looking forward to seeing their own story play out. I think it was well written, but I found myself disconnected from Meredyth as the story went on. I also found myself feeling sorry for Lawry as it was obvious to me, even though the story is from Meredyth’s viewpoint, that the man was falling for her. I think I would have liked Meredyth more if I could have seen her from Lawry’s point of view.
This is the second book in the series but it is a standalone. Characters from the first book show up, but not in any way that makes it important that you read that book before this one.
What I enjoyed most about this book:
The overall theme of forgiveness and the character Wynn.
What I didn’t like about this book:
Meredyth seemed more selfish and driven by her emotions than I liked.
My rating: 3 out of 5 stars
Would I recommend this book to others? Yeah. I think the overall theme of this book makes it a good read. It is the second book in the series, but it is a stand alone book.
Note: I received this book from the author. I was not required to give a positive review. All of the opinions I express here are my own.
Where can I learn more about this author and their books?
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