Book Review: Balanced: Finding Center as a Work-at-home mom by Tricia Goyer
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Balanced: Finding Center as a Work-at-home Mom by Tricia Goyer
Book Review
Synopsis from the Back of the Book:
How can a work-at-home mom raise kids, juggle a career and take care of family responsibilities with only 24-hour days?
Working at home while raising kids and juggling a career and family responsibilities is no easy feat. Author and homeschooling mom Tricia Goyer shares her tips for finding balance among all your many hats as a mom. Balancing is a process and a journey, one that Tricia herself has yet to perfect. But between writing more than forty books, raising and homeschooling six kids, being a wife, and being active in her community, she has amassed valuable tips she shares in “Balanced.”
My review:
There are some books that are resources that you need to have on hand for guidance and encouragement in life. This is one of those books. Upfront I will say that I am a fan of Tricia Goyer. I like her writing, her focus on her family and her unashamed relationship with God. I can relate to the fact that she writes in different genres and to different audiences because she writes how God leads. The amount of things that she does in the midst of keeping God and her family at the forefront, make her someone that I want to listen to about balance.
In her book, Tricia relates her story, imperfections and all. Then she goes on to offer encouragement for others to find balance in their lives. She gives practical advice and ideas. She advises that a person find what God wants them to focus on and then to let go of the guilt from not doing everything else. I found her advice to make a list of priorities very helpful. She even includes tips from other writers.
What I enjoyed most about this book:
Her encouragement to women/wives/mothers/writers(etc) to keep God at the center of their lives and her practical steps to help them determine what their priorities are as well as how to work with them.
What I didn’t like about this book:
Nothing. I read this book on my kindle, so now I will have to get it in hard copy to keep in my personal library to keep going back to. Yes, it is that good!
My rating: 5 out of 5 stars
Would I recommend this book to others?
Yes, I would highly recommend this book. Particularly to those writers who are struggling to balance their familial obligations with their writing career.
Where can I learn more about this author and their books?
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