Book Review: From This Moment by Elizabeth Camden

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What is this book about?

Romulus White has tried for years to hire illustrator Stella West for his renowned scientific magazine. She is the missing piece he needs to propel his magazine to the forefront of the industry.

But Stella abruptly quit the art world and moved to Boston with a single purpose: to solve the mysterious death of her beloved sister. Romulus, a man with connections to high society and every important power circle in the city, could be her most valuable ally.

Sparks fly the instant Stella and Romulus join forces, and Romulus soon realizes the strong-willed and charismatic Stella could disrupt his hard-won independence. Can they continue to help each other when their efforts draw the wrong kind of attention from the powers-that-be and put all they’ve worked for at risk?

My review:

This was such a funny story for me as I had very mixed emotions about both Romulus and Stella throughout the entire book. Sometimes I loved them, other times I had trouble comprehending their decisions. There was definitely a lot of sparks flying between them and I enjoyed watching Stella work to solve the mystery of her sister’s death.

The thing was that I really liked both of them for their fun personalities. I thought Romulus was too hard on himself much of the time and then he would do something that seemed to strengthen his case against himself. Still, he was loyal and sacrificial which I loved.

Now Stella was a harder road for me to like because she was over confident much of the time. This also translated to her being selfish and unyielding. She was strong willed enough to handle Romulus and their witty interactions were enjoyable. I just wish I didn’t want to shake some sense into her half the time.

What I enjoyed most about this book

The witty conversations between Romulus and Stella.

What I didn’t like about this book:

Stella’s obsessive focus on her own desires while missing when Romulus really needed her to be a friend.

Rating: 4 out of 5 stars

Would I recommend this book to others? Yes. Even though I did struggle with the stubbornness of the characters, the story was gripping enough to keep me coming back for more. This is a standalone story but I would recommend reading the prequel novella for more depth on Evelyn and Clyde’s relationship.

Where can I learn more about this author and their books?

Elizabeth Camden, author website

-Loraine Nunley

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