Book Review: Summerlin Groves by Elizabeth Camden

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What is this book about?

Jenny Summerlin is struggling to save her dying orange grove when a baffling mystery upends her world. A skeleton buried with a priceless treasure has been found on her land, which brings of flood of investigators onto her property to study a decades old crime.

Captain Wyatt Rossiter is charged with solving the puzzling discovery. Unfortunately, he is also the man who broke Jenny’s heart two years earlier. Plagued with regrets and unresolved feelings for Jenny, Wyatt resists getting drawn back into her world, but he cannot rest until he solves the unusual crime.

The former lovers are trapped on a case neither of them want. Soon they awaken a fifty-year old mystery involving Cold War espionage and a forbidden romance. Will resurrecting the old secrets endanger the survival of her grove and everything she holds dear?

My review:

Horrible circumstances drove Jenny and Wyatt apart years earlier and their story of finding forgiveness and healing was a page turner. Jenny was a tough cookie which was understandable but sometimes hard to watch her stubbornness. In contrast to her ‘ends justifies the means’ attitude was Wyatt’s equally stubborn ‘follow every rule to a T’ personality. This made for some pretty interesting conflict between them. Added into the mix was a gripping mystery involving a skeleton and a treasure. All the things I have loved about this author’s historical novels, she brought to her first contemporary.

What I enjoyed most about this book

The healing of Jenny and Wyatt’s relationship

What I didn’t like about this book:

Some of Jenny’s questionable decisions

Rating: 4 out of 5 stars

Would I recommend this book to others? Yes. Interesting characters, flawed but hopeful romance, and fascinating mystery. This is a standalone story.

Note: I received this book complimentary as a member of the authors launch team. I was not required to give a positive review. All of the opinions I have expressed here are honest and my own.

Where can I learn more about this author and their books?

Elizabeth Camden, author website

-Loraine Nunley

Summerlin Groves by Elizabeth Camden (4 out of 5 stars) #amreading #BookReview #SummerlinGroves Share on X

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