Book Giveaway: Letters of Wisdom by Wanda E Brunstetter

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This weekโ€™s book giveaway is for the inspirational Amish romance book Letters of Wisdom by Wanda E Brunstetter.

What is this book about?

Irma Miller thought having a family of her own would bring her joy and a sense of accomplishment, but she struggles with memories of the abuse she suffered as a child at the hand of her stepfather. When she becomes physically and emotionally abusive to her own children, she reaches out to her friend Doretta for prayer and wisdom. But Irma may find herself at an even darker emotional place before she will admit she needs professional help to heal the past traumas. Will Dorettaโ€™s letters of wisdom help Irma and her family, or will too much be broken to ever be repaired?

Where can I learn more about this author and their books?

Wanda E Brunstetter, author website


To enter the giveaway, just fill out the Rafflecopter form below. Open to readers with USA mailing addresses only. No purchase necessary. Void where prohibited by law. The winner will be notified via email and will have one week to respond back to me with their info. Good Luck and Thank You for stopping by!

The comment requirement for this giveaway is: Who would you want to receive letters of wisdom from?

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Canโ€™t wait to win a copy? Buy one here today!


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