Book Giveaway: Refuge of the Heart by Ruth Logan Herne

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This week’s book giveaway is for the inspirational contemporary romance book Refuge of the Heart by Ruth Logan Herne.

Check out my book review HERE

What is this book about?

District Attorney Mitchell Sanderson wanted for nothing and lost everything in a tragic accident. A dogged worker, Mitch’s conviction rate earned him respect and trust. Now up for re-election, Mitch’s law-and-order persona makes him a shoo-in candidate. But when faith, conscience and love of a troubled refugee ripple the smooth waters of his existence, can Mitch risk everything for love?

Magdalena Serida fought her way out of the terrors of a government-quelled insurgent uprising in Chechnya. The church-sponsored refugee knows the horrors of war first-hand. Now in America with her five-year-old sister, Lena is uncertain who to trust. Her Christian faith has maintained her through the loss of her family, but when Mitch Sanderson shows interest, Lena longs to take a chance. Should she open herself up to this man of law and order, a man who imprisons women like her? Or slip quietly back into the shadowed fringe of anonymity?

But choices slip away when Mitch’s friend spews half-truths about Lena, rumors that cost Mitch his new love and possibly the election. Can he find his way to a faith deep enough to love again, and to offer Lena the refuge of his heart?

Where can I learn more about this author and their books?

Ruth Logan Herne, author website


To enter the giveaway, just fill out the Rafflecopter form below. Open to readers with USA mailing addresses only. No purchase necessary. Void where prohibited by law. The winner will be notified via email and will have one week to respond back to me with their info. Good Luck and Thank You for stopping by!

The comment requirement for this giveaway is: What non-profit organization do you wish people knew more about?

a Rafflecopter giveaway
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