Book Review: A Beautiful Mess by Brenda S Anderson
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Synopsis of the book:
Can she love the child who broke up her marriage?
Nearly four years ago, Erin Belden’s happy life became a shattered mess. After her husband admitted to an affair and that a child had been conceived, he left her and their young daughter for his new family. Now, she’s finally ready to put the pieces of her life together. She’s set to launch her own business and even thinks her heart might be open to romance—should the right man come along.
But just when everything seems to be lining up, she receives a devastating call: her ex-husband and his wife have been killed in a car accident, and Erin is listed in their will as their daughter’s legal guardian.
How can she be a mother to the child—let alone love the child—who broke up her marriage? Does she have the courage to start over yet again and turn this mess into a mosaic of beauty?
A single mother’s journey from bitterness to forgiveness.
My review:
I was intrigued by the premise of this book. How can a woman love a child that resulted from something that tore her marriage apart?
I liked that real emotions played out with Erin as she struggled to keep her life from spinning out of control when her ex-husband dies. They were all the emotions one would expect her to go through—including so many conflicting ones. I felt sorry for her.
Even though I know it fit the story line, I struggled with the idea that Erin was the child’s babysitter long before the accident. Her statements that she could never love the child seemed unreasonable in the wake of her going above and beyond to babysit that child.
Erin does finally resolved her feelings for the child and her ex-husband so the story came to a satisfying conclusion.
What I enjoyed most about this book:
The character of Jon who stuck by Erin’s side to help her through her journey.
What I didn’t like about this book:
Erin’s stubborn declarations about not being able to love the child when she already had a relationship with that child.
Would I recommend this book to others? Yes. I thought most of the emotions were real and compelling and I liked that Erin grew into a place of forgiveness.
Note: I received this book complimentary as a participant in the JustReads reviewer tour. I was not required to give a positive review. All of the opinions I have expressed here are my own.
Where can I learn more about this author and their books?
Brenda S Anderson, author website
-Loraine Nunley
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Initially, I was horrified that the ex-husband would intend for Erin to keep the baby in the case of his death. WHY in the world?! But then when you said that Erin was the babysitter, I could see the reasoning. I still think it’s strange, though.
Yeah, I’m not sure I would have been as generous as Erin. Thanks for reading my review Dianna. 🙂