Book Review: A Heart Most Certain by Melissa Jagears
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What is this book about?
While Lydia King’s reasons for joining the Teaville Moral Society might be suspect to some members, her heart is in the right place. Because of her father’s debts and her mother’s persistent illness, her best chance at a secure future and curing her mother is to impress the politician courting her. Her first task–to ask the town’s wealthiest man to donate–seems simple enough . . . until he refuses.
Despite appearances, Nicholas Lowe wants to help others, but prefers to keep his charity private. When Lydia proves persistent, they agree to a bargain, but Nicholas still intends to do things his own way. Neither predicts what they’ll learn about true charity or foresee the complications their actions will bring to the town, forcing Lydia to decide where her beliefs and heart truly align.
My review:
Lydia, like many young Christians, has a picture in her mind of what one looks like and Nicholas doesn’t fit that mold. I really enjoyed watching her grow in maturity as a Christian while falling in love. It was an interesting ride for her as Nicholas challenged everything she thought she knew about her faith, love, and even the people around her.
I was a fan of Nicholas right from the start even though he was just as guilty as Lydia of holding onto his prejudices. Helping her broaden her views also managed to make him change and grow.
There was a nice balance between good and evil (and the fallacies of both) although I was left wondering what fully happened with the villain.
What I enjoyed most about this book:
Watching Lydia grow out of her preconceived notions of what a Christian should be.
What I didn’t like about this book:
Left wondering what happened with the villain.
Would I recommend this book to others? Yes. This is a sweet historical romance with a nice inspirational thread. This is the first book in the series.
Where can I learn more about this author and their books?
Melissa Jagears, author website
-Loraine Nunley
A Heart Most Certain by Melissa Jagears (4 out of 5 stars) #amreading #BookReview Share on XWant a copy for yourself? Buy one here today.