Book Review: A Most Noble Heir by Susan Anne Mason
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Synopsis of the book:
When stable hand Nolan Price learns from his dying mother that he is actually the son of the Earl of Stainsby, his plans for a future with kitchen maid Hannah Burnham are shattered. Once he is officially acknowledged as the earl’s heir, Nolan will be forbidden to marry beneath his station.
Unwilling to give up the girl he loves, he devises a plan to elope–believing that once their marriage is sanctioned by God, Lord Stainsby will be forced to accept their union. However, as Nolan struggles to learn the ways of the aristocracy, he finds himself caught between pleasing Hannah and living up to his father’s demanding expectations.
At every turn, forces work to keep the couple apart, and a solution to remain together seems further and further away. With Nolan’s new life pulling him irrevocably away from the woman he loves, it seems only a miracle will bring them back together.
My review:
In a word: Sublime. I just love the way that this author weaves such wonderful love stories with the greatest love story of all — God’s love for us.
Hannah is the product of her circumstances in that she has tied her self-worth to how others have treated her. This translates into low self esteem and a lack of trust in how much God loves her. She even has trouble trusting Nolan’s love for her. I liked watching her learn to value herself as God did.
Nolan is such a strong man at first and I really admired his loyalty for those he loved. A little hot headedness came with that but I enjoyed watching him learn to temper that and mature.
I really loved this story, but for me, the best part was actually the secondary characters of Lord Stainsby and Iris. What a struggle the author must have had to keep these two from stealing the scenes they were in. 🙂
Can I also just add that this story had romance intensified. I can’t say more without spoilers but if you like romance, you will definitely enjoy it in this book. There are sparks, swoony moments, tender moments, and great romantic tension. Great job by the author.
What I enjoyed most about this book:
Iris and Lord Stainsby. They were scene stealers (in a good way) and I loved it.
What I didn’t like about this book:
Got nothing. I loved this story!
My rating: 5+ out of 5 stars
Would I recommend this book to others? Yes, absolutely. If you haven’t read any historical romances by this author, go right out and remedy that. This is a standalone story.
Note: I was gifted this book by the author. I was not required to give a review. All of the opinions I have expressed are my own.
Where can I learn more about this author and their books?
Susan Anne Mason, author website
-Loraine Nunley
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