Book Review: A Wreath of Snow by Liz Curtis Higgs
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What is this book about?
Wrapped in a cloud of steam, the engine rolled to a stop, the screech of metal against metal filling the frosty air. Snow blew across the railway platform and around Meg’s calfskin walking boots. The weather definitely was not improving.
She ordered tea with milk and sugar, eying the currant buns and sweet mincemeat tarts displayed beneath a bell jar.
Later, perhaps, when her appetite returned. At the moment her stomach was twisted into a knot.
“Anything else for you?” the cashier asked as she handed over the tea, steaming and fragrant.
Meg was surprised to find her fingers trembling when she lifted the cup. “All I want is a safe journey home.”
“On a day like this?” the round-faced woman exclaimed. “None but the Almighty can promise you that, lass.”
My review:
This was a bite size piece of romance filled with hurt, healing, and sweetness. I don’t read many novellas because I find many of them too short for my liking. However, I was really drawn into the depth of pain and hope for healing that wove its way around Meg and Gordon.
I loved the mature Gordon. He carried a huge burden from the consequences of youthful mistakes but they served to make him a man of great character.
Meg also struggled with deep hurt and guilt. I was rooting for her to find the peace with her family that she desired.
The romance was very sweet and appropriate for the historical timeframe. I really enjoyed the manner that they gave Christmas presents to each other. If we were only so thoughtful in gift giving nowadays.
What I enjoyed most about this book:
Gordon’s character.
What I didn’t like about this book:
Nothing. This was a lovely and quick read.
Would I recommend this book to others? Oh yes. This is just the thing for getting into the holiday spirit. A quick read, sweet romance, redemptive storyline, and compelling characters.
Where can I learn more about this author and their books?
Liz Curtis Higgs, author website
-Loraine Nunley
A Wreath of Snow by Liz Curtis Higgs (5 out of 5 stars) #amreading #BookReview Share on XWant a copy of your own? Buy one here today.

This has been on my to-read list for ages!
Mine too Dianna. I wanted a quick Christmas read and this beauty managed to get my attention from my shelves. 😉 Thanks for reading my review.