Book Review: Another Way Home by Deborah Raney
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Synopsis of the book:
Grant and Audrey are adding grandchildren to their family left and right, but middle daughter, Danae, and her husband, Dallas Brooks, have been trying for years with no baby in sight.
Although Danae is ready to consider adoption, Dallas will not even discuss it. Despairing of ever having a family of her own, Danae decides to pour her passion and energies into volunteer work with a newly opened women’s shelter in town. Looking for a good cause to fill her lonely days, she never expects to give her heart to the hurting women she meets there. She’s finally learning to live her life with gratitude, but then heartrending events on Thanksgiving weekend threaten to pull the entire Whitman clan into turmoil and leave them all forever changed.
My review:
Absolutely my favorite book in this series so far. What a wonderful story of gratefulness and love. It was also a reminder to me about how easy it is to look at what others have that we don’t, when we need to be focusing on what we do have. My heart sank with Danae and Dallas as they face frustration and sorrow. It soared when God blessed them. Wow. It was a roller coaster that I did not want to get off of.
Danae longs for children and she struggles with her sisters being able to have babies so easily. I loved that her heart was so good and because of that she was able to finally see, that her focus on what she didn’t have was taking away from the blessings that she did. It was still a struggle for her to cling to God’s will, but she tried. It made her a person that I really rooted for.
Then there was Dallas. What more could you ask for? He was a man who was strong in his faith. He took care of his wife and he wanted her happiness above his own. He struggled with his past and I watched him move past his pain to be open to God’s will.
Grant and Audrey make their appearances in this book, and I really loved seeing Grant’s perspective when it came to his daughter. It was very touching. We never stop being parents even when our kids are all grown up, do we?
Did I gush enough? This author is a favorite of mine because she writes stories about average people and their struggles. She does it in such a way that I am hooked from beginning to end. This story was the epitome of what I love about inspirational fiction. God is honored, people struggle with their relationship with Him, and there is growth through adversary.
What I enjoyed most about this book:
The journey of Dallas and Danae to an attitude of gratitude. How God blessed them!
What I didn’t like about this book:
Hmmm. Can’t think of anything.
My rating: 5 out of 5 stars
Would I recommend this book to others? Oh absolutely! Like the other books in this series, it has good characters, a wonderful faith message, and addresses real world concerns. So far, this one is my favorite of the series. This is the third book in the Chicory Inn series. It is a standalone book. However, if you read them out of order, you may miss a few of the surprises.
Where can I learn more about this author and their books?
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