Book Review: Behind the Scenes by Jen Turano
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Synopsis of the book:
After spending the last six years banished to the wallflower section of the ballroom, Miss Permilia Griswold has finally figured out a way to pass the time at all the New York high-society events she attends. Under the pseudonym “Miss Quill,” she is the author of society gossip columns filled with tidbits only an insider in society – albeit on one on the fringes – would know.
When she overhears a threat against Mr. Asher Rutherford, the owner of one of the most up-and-coming department stores in the city, she’s determined to warn him. But the irritatingly handsome man doesn’t believe her, leaving her no choice but to take matters into her own hands. What she doesn’t anticipate is that she’ll end up putting herself at risk in the process – or that she and Mr. Rutherford, a man with secrets of his own, just might end up joining forces after all.
My review:
Great chemistry and laugh out loud situations fill the pages of this story. If you have known quirky people in life, you will love these fictional ones. Permilia and Asher first meet in the novella At Your Request and sparks fly. What fun it was to watch that continue in their story here.
Permilia and Asher seem unmatched at first, but as I got to know them, I could see that they were perfect for each other. Of course it took them longer to figure it out but there was lots of fun along the way as they did.
Permilia has learned to be content with her station as a wallflower and I loved her resourcefulness in staving off boredom while trying to make a positive but quiet impact on others. It is no wonder that she comes to Asher’s rescue when his life is threatened. She had a strength that I admired.
I loved Asher from the moment I met him even though his views of women’s roles set Permilia’s teeth to grinding. His heart showed through. I especially liked that he was a man who dared to question himself and fix those qualities he found lacking.
The ensemble cast of quirky characters added lots of spice. I’m so looking forward to reading Gertrude and Harrison’s story because they threatened to take over this one. 🙂
What I enjoyed most about this book:
That there were so many situations and conversations that made me giggle or even laugh out loud.
What I didn’t like about this book:
The Huxley sisters’ family. Their backstory was strange to say the least.
My rating: 4 out of 5 stars
Would I recommend this book to others? Yes. This story is trademark Jen Turano – quirky characters, witty dialogue, sweet (and sometimes swoony) romance, and lots of fun situations. This is the first book in the series. I would recommend reading the novella At Your Request, which introduces Permilia and Asher because their first meeting is funny.
Where can I learn more about this author and their books?
-Loraine Nunley
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