Book Review: Chance of Loving You Novella Collection

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Chance of Loving You – Novella collection

Chance of Loving You by Terri Blackstock, Susan May Warren, and Candace Calvert  Book Review by Loraine Nunley

For Love of Money by Terri Blackstock

Synopsis from the back of the book:

Trying to launch her own design firm while waitressing on the side, Julie Sheffield was drawn to the kind man she waited on at the restaurant last night… until he stiffed her on the tip by leaving her half of a sweepstakes ticket.

My review:

This was my favorite story out of the three novellas. It tackles the question, What would you do if you won a huge sweepstakes? Now that is not to say that anyone actually won money (no spoilers – you have to read it for yourself), but it is an interesting story about how people deal with that question. I enjoyed watching Julie become more confident in herself and her talent as well as discovering what type of man Blake actually was.

My rating: 4 out of 5 stars

The Recipe by Candace Calvert

Synopsis from the back of the book:

Hospital dietary assistant Aimee Curran is determined to win the Vegan Valentine Bake-Off to prove she’s finally found her calling. But while caring for one of her patients — the elderly grandmother of a handsome CSI photographer — Aimee begins to question where she belongs.

My review:

This was a sweet story. It did take me some time to get invested in Aimee and Lucas’ story. Because of that, the story seemed too short to me. However, I did like the ending where the kindness and selflessness of the characters shined through.

My rating: 3 1/2 out of 5 stars

Hook, Line & Sinker by Susan May Warren

Synopsis from the back of the book:

Grad student Abigail Cushman has agreed to enter Deep Haven’s annual fishing contest. She’s a quick learner, even if she doesn’t know the difference between a bass and a trout. But nothing could prepare her for competing against the handsome charmer she’s tried to forget since grief tore them apart.

My review:

I typically like this author’s writing and I think this story was well written. I just could not connect to Abigail and Ross. It might have been the fishing angle, as I found that I was not that interested in their fishing expedition.

My rating: 3 out of 5 stars

What I enjoyed most about this book: Terri Blackstock’s story is the one that held my interest throughout. There is also a recipe at the end of each novella and I especially liked that Candace Calvert’s recipe was the one that was featured in the story.

What I didn’t like about this book: I wasn’t able to connect to a few of the characters.

My rating: 3 1/2 out of 5 stars

Would I recommend this book to others? If you like novellas and are a fan of these authors, I would recommend it for a light read.

Where can I learn more about the authors and their books?

Terri Blackstock, author website     Susan May Warren, author website    Candace Calvert, author website

[tweetthis]Chance of Loving You by Blackstock Warren Calvert (3 1/2 out of 5 Stars) #BookReview[/tweetthis]
Note: I won this book in a giveaway. I am not obligated to give a positive review. This review is entirely my own opinion.

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-Loraine Nunley