Book Review: Diamond in the Rough by Jen Turano
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Synopsis of the book:
When Miss Poppy Garrison accepts her grandmother’s offer of financial help for her family in exchange for Poppy joining the New York social Season, she quickly realizes she is far less equipped to mingle with the New York Four Hundred than even she knew. As she becomes embroiled in one hilarious fiasco after another, becoming the diamond of the first water her grandmother longs her to be looks more impossible by the day.
Reginald Blackburn, second son of a duke, is in New York to help his cousin find an American heiress who can help save his family’s estate. But when his very proper British manners lead Poppy’s grandmother to request he teach etiquette to Poppy, he quickly finds himself in for much more than he bargained for.
And while they couldn’t be more opposite, Reginald and Poppy just might find they have more to teach each other than they ever could have expected.
My review:
Another success for the original ladies who have taken early 1900s New York society by storm and sprinkled it with their unique personalities. 🙂
There was so much to love about this story. I truly cannot pick just one thing. But I will begin with the heroine of the story, Poppy. Like all of this author’s heroines, Poppy manages to get herself into some pretty funny and strange situations. She handles each situation with a grace that I know I wouldn’t be able to achieve in real life. I so admired that about her. She is strong and independent, but above all has a large capacity of kindness. She deserved a knight.
Enter Reginald.
He spent much of his time actually playing knight in shining armor as he rescued and protected Poppy from numerous events where she needed him. Except when he was playing pirate… (you’ll just have to read the story for yourself to find out how). I loved how his interactions with Poppy worked to soften some of his duller edges.
Of course this wouldn’t be a great story from this author without a cast of unusual characters to go along for the ride. There were many that I enjoyed in this book, but my favorite by far was Poppy’s friend Murray. There were times when I thought he would, in his understated way, steal the show from Reginald and Poppy.
What I enjoyed most about this book:
Naturally Poppy and Reginald’s romance took center stage for me, but I have to admit that Murray was a very close second.
What I didn’t like about this book:
Would I recommend this book to others? Of course. This story is trademark ‘Jen Turano historical’ with its romance, quirky characters, and funny situations. If you like a fun twist on historical romance, this is a book for you. This is the second book in the series and it can be read as a standalone.
Note: I received this book complimentary from the author. I was not required to give a review. All of the opinions I have expressed here are my own.
Where can I learn more about this author and their books?
-Loraine Nunley
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Anne Payne
Oh, I agree!!! Murray is an awesome character! I would like to see him have a novella to complete his story. 🙂
What a great idea! I’d read that story. 🙂