Book Review: Fatal Illusions by Adam Blumer
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What is this book about?
Haydon Owens wants to be the next Houdini. He has been practicing his craft and has already made four women disappear. All it took was a bit of rope and his two bare hands.
The Thayer family has come to the north woods of Newberry, Michigan, looking for refuge, a peaceful sanctuary from a shattered past. But they are not alone. Little do they know that they are about to become part of Haydon’s next act.
Time is running out and already the killer has spotted his next victim. Who will escape alive?
My review:
The premise of this story was pretty intriguing. A magician would make a great villain. There was a good amount of suspense while we followed the path of the killer becoming connected with the lives of an already wounded family.
When we are introduced to the main characters, their lives were in different states. It took me a little time to really get into the story as I was wondering how their different lives would intersect. But when they did, there was a good amount of suspense going on.
No matter how much I tried, I wasn’t able to connect with Gillian and after finishing the story thought that her viewpoint, for the most part, was not really necessary. The story had an obvious inspirational bent to it which slowed the pace down for me. Although I did feel that the detective’s Christianity was done well. His beliefs felt more natural to me than the others.
The Detective’s storyline was the most intriguing and I liked him the best. The ending had a lot of back and forth with the villain. Did they get him? Did he elude them again? It made me turn the pages but the ultimate ending for the villain was watered down.
What I enjoyed most about this book:
The detective trying to solve the crime.
What I didn’t like about this book:
Unnecessary point of view characters and the villain’s ending didn’t feel worthy of him.
Would I recommend this book to others? Perhaps. There were lots of reviews where people loved the deep inspirational threads and the suspense. This story would be good for someone who likes suspense involving flawed people struggling with their Christianity.
Where can I learn more about this author and their books?
-Loraine Nunley
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