Book Review: Healing Love by Jennifer Slattery
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Synopsis of the book:
A news anchor intern has it all planned out, and love isn’t on the agenda.
Brooke Endress is on the cusp of her lifelong dream when her younger sister persuades her to chaperone a mission trip to El Salvador. Packing enough hand sanitizer and bug spray to single-handedly wipe out malaria, she embarks on what she hopes will be a once-in-a-lifetime experience.
But Brooke is blindsided by the desperation for hope and love she sees in the eyes of the orphans she encounters. And no less by the connection she feels with her handsome translator. As newfound passion blooms, Brooke wrestles with its implications for her career dreams.
Ubaldo Chavez, teacher and translator, knows the struggle that comes with generational poverty. But he found the way out – education – and is determined to help his students rise above.
When he agrees to translate for a mission team from the United States he expects to encounter a bunch of “missional tourists” full of empty promises. Yet an American news anchor defies his expectations, and he finds himself falling in love. But what does he have to offer someone with everything?
My review:
Why does God allow suffering particularly among the innocent? It is a question that has troubled people for ages and was a question that I asked along with the hero and heroine of this book. There are no easy answers and there wasn’t an easy one for this couple either, but I really liked the way that the author was able to stir my compassion for those less fortunate than me.
I wasn’t sure I would like Brooke the beautiful news anchor, but I quickly saw the depth of her character and was rooting for her to find out what God’s purpose was for her.
Ubaldo did the same thing I did – he judged Brooke up front by her looks. I enjoyed him learning about her and the way that they fell in love with each other.
The additional story of Fatima was so compelling. The realization that there are girls out there in her shoes and worse pulled at my heart strings.
What I enjoyed most about this book:
I really like that this author puts real people in real situations and makes the reader think about more than just a fluffy romance.
What I didn’t like about this book:
That there are actually children in the real world experiencing life in such poverty.
My rating: 4 out of 5 stars
Would I recommend this book to others? Yes, but expect to finish reading the book a changed person. It is practically impossible to read about children in poverty without being affected by it.
Note: I received this book from the author. I was not required to give a positive review. All of the opinions I have expressed are my own.
Where can I learn more about this author and their books?
Jennifer Slattery, author website
-Loraine Nunley
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