Book Review: Imperfect Justice by Cara Putman
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To the world it seems obvious: Kaylene Adams killed her daughter and then was shot by police. Attorney Emilie Wesley knows a different story: Kaylene would never hurt anyone and was looking for a way out of a controlling, abusive relationship. Her death shakes Emilie’s belief that she can make a difference for women in violent marriages. Self-doubt plagues her as she struggles to continue her work in the wake of tragedy.
Reid Billings thought he knew his sister — right up until he learned how she died. He discovers a letter from Kaylene begging him to fight for custody of her daughters if anything should happen to her. No attorney in her right mind would support an uncle instead of a father in a custody case, but Kaylene’s letter claims Emilie Wesley will help him.
Thrown together in the race to save Kaylene’s surviving daughter, Emilie and Reid pursue the constantly evasive truth. If they can hang on to hope together, can they save a young girl — and find a future for themselves in the process?
My review:
This is one of those stories that kept me up late at night reading it because I just had to know how it ended. I really enjoyed the romance between Reid and Emilie as well as the suspense of them trying to prove that Reid’s sister did not commit the crime everyone thought she did. Throw in a stalker and a little girl in trouble and I was hooked.
I enjoyed getting to know Emilie. I liked how determined she was to help women who were in abusive situations. Her empathy for these women and her determination to do what was right for them made me cheer for her throughout the story.
And I liked Reid. It was interesting to watch him deal with his shortfalls as a brother and the guilt that came from it while also having a growing attraction for his sister’s attorney. My favorite thing about Reid was the piano playing that he did to de-stress. It just added a neat dimension to his character. The romance between Emilie and Reid was slow simmering, which I loved.
Oooo the stalker. I was worried about Emilie. Not only dealing with trying to help her client’s child, but also having her personal life in turmoil. Wow.
What I enjoyed most about this book:
The romance. Just the right pace for the trouble they were facing.
What I didn’t like about this book:
Too many characters to keep track of. I kind of gave up trying to remember many of the women involved with Emily. Also, the family’s names starting with the same letter made for some confusing reading at times.
My rating: 4 1/2 out of 5 stars
Would I recommend this book to others? Yes. This was the kind of suspense that had me staying up late to see what happens. Plus I enjoyed the legal aspects, especially the interactions in the courtroom. This is the second book in the series. It is a standalone story, but I will be going back to read book 1 because I think that may give me some added depth to Emilie.
Note: I received this book complimentary as a participant of the Litfuse Blog Tour. I was not required to give a positive review. All of the opinions I have expressed here are my own.
Where can I learn more about this author and their books?
-Loraine Nunley
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