Book Review: Meant to Be Mine by Becky Wade
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Synopsis of the book:
Ty Porter has always been irresistible to Celia Park. All through high school — irresistible. When their paths cross again after college — still irresistible. This time though, Ty seems to feel exactly the same way about Celia. Their whirlwind romance deposits them at a street-corner Las Vegas wedding chapel.
The next morning they wake to a marriage certificate and a dose of cold reality. Celia’s ready to be Ty’s wife, but Ty’s not ready to be her husband. He’s a professional bull rider, he lives on the road, and he’s long planned to settle down with the hometown girl he’s known since childhood.
Five and a half years pass. Celia’s buried her dreams so that she can afford to raise her daughter. Ty’s achieved all of his goals. Or thought he had, until he looks again into the eyes of the woman he couldn’t forget and into the face of the child he never knew he had.
How much will Ty sacrifice to win back Celia’s trust and prove to her that their spontaneous marriage can still become the love of a lifetime?
My review:
Basically two people make their fair share of mistakes and have to learn to forgive and move on so that they can learn to trust again. Toss in a heated romance and a precocious little girl and you have the makings for a good read. I enjoyed watching Ty and Celia overcome those mistakes and find true love.
Since this is the third book I have read by this author, I am beginning to get used to the heat that her romances generate. Having said that, I will tell you that I needed to have a fan nearby when I read this book. Is it getting hot in here? It definitely was hot in the story.
I was on a little emotional roller coaster when it came to Celia. At first I liked her, then I felt sorry for her, then I was angry with her, followed by wanting to shake the woman, and at last, happy that she finally found the right path.
I did not like Ty at the beginning. Too full of himself. Too selfish. If Celia hadn’t made her fair share of mistakes, I probably would have disliked Ty for half of the book. Then circumstances in his life change and he begins to yearn for a better life. He begins to be a better person. At the end I found myself rooting for him to win Celia’s heart.
Speaking of winning hearts, I loved the parts with their little girl. Precious and sometimes mature beyond her years, she stole the show whenever she showed up. I also enjoyed Uncle Danny who made for some amusing reading.
What I enjoyed most about this book:
The biggest gesture that Ty makes which proves his love. Sigh.
What I didn’t like about this book:
That I didn’t like Ty for about half the book and that Celia said and did things that kept me from being on her side.
My rating: 4 out of 5 stars
Would I recommend this book to others? I would. This book definitely reflected the reality of human mistakes and how we harm ourselves when we harbor unforgiveness. This is the second book in the series. It is a standalone story. Even though characters from the first book show up, you do not need to read it first to understand what is going on.
Where can I learn more about this author and their books?
-Loraine Nunley
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