Book Review: No One To Trust by Lynette Eason
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What is this book about?
Summer Abernathy wakes up one morning to find her husband missing, three men in her home intent on finding him, and the life she’s been living based on a lie. Which Kyle Abernathy did she marry? The computer programmer she met in line at a bank? Or the one who was apparently using that image as a cover?
The search for her husband—and answers—takes Summer ever deeper into a world of organized crime where people are used one moment and discarded the next. And with her deepest relationship of trust already shattered, Summer doesn’t know who to believe.
My review:
Standard Lynette Eason thrill ride. I stayed up late finishing this book because I could not put the story down until I got to the end of the ride.
I liked Summer’s husband. At first I thought he was just a victim of his circumstances, but then his true character emerged. Strong. Decisive. Confident. Even though Summer struggled with forgiving him for his betrayal, I still rooted for him to earn that forgiveness.
While I could appreciate Summer’s position and liked her loyalty to her family, I found myself struggling to connect with her and I’m not sure why.
The bad guy is right in the thick of things. Even though he wasn’t a surprise, the people who were helping him were. That had me guessing who I could trust.
This author is really good in using a villain’s point of view to make a story richer. In this instance, though, I didn’t care for it. But I was happy to see good overcome evil in the end.
I think this story leaned more toward the suspense side of romantic suspense and it was the suspense that grabbed me and wouldn’t let go.
What I enjoyed most about this book:
The hero’s character and the thrilling suspense ride.
What I didn’t like about this book:
The villain’s point of view.
Would I recommend this book to others? Yes, for the simple fact that the writing and the suspense kept me turning the pages. This is the first book in this series and I am invested enough in this series to keep going.
Where can I learn more about this author and their books?
-Loraine Nunley
No One To Trust by Lynette Eason (3 1/2 out of 5 stars) #BookReview #amreading Share on X