Book Review: No Place To Hide by Lynette Eason

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No Place to Hide by Lynette Eason | Book review by Loraine Nunley #bookreview

What is this book about?

It’s not every day you see your childhood friend and one-time crush on national news. Jackie Sellers just wishes it were under different circumstances. She can’t believe that Ian Lockwood is wanted in connection with a terrorist plot, and she’s determined to find him and help him clear his name. Unfortunately, she’s not the only one looking for him. The FBI wants him captured. The bad guys want him dead. Ian just wants to stay alive long enough to prove his innocence and prevent a catastrophe.

My review:

I loved this one. From the page-turning roller coaster ride to the inspirational thread, I found this story to be my favorite in this series. There were so many questions to be answered. Who was framing Ian? Would he prove his innocence? What was the bigger threat? Would Jackie find her way back to God? Would love win out? I hope I’m not spoiling this when I answer that last question with a resounding ‘yes’! But what a delicious winding road it took to get there.

The suspense and action were present from the very first page when Jackie seeks out her childhood friend Ian. There isn’t a moment’s peace from that point on. This was a story that had me staying up way past my bedtime to read just one more chapter.

I really enjoyed Ian and Jackie as people. They both had such strength in the face of trouble. While Ian leaned on God for his strength, Jackie was trying to find her way back to God (even if she didn’t know it most of the time). I liked how she struggled with her faith and found her way back to God in a natural way. This made the inspirational thread more believable to me.

I also liked the secondary characters that rounded out this story. From Ian’s cousin and niece to Jackie’s friends and co-workers at Operation Refuge, there were some great moments of love and friendship. My favorite ones were with Ian’s dog.

What I enjoyed most about this book:

Hmm. That is a tough one. I think that Ian and Jackie’s interactions would have to be at the top, closely followed by the suspense.

What I didn’t like about this book:

I really enjoyed this one, but if anything tripped me up during reading it would have to be the numerous characters and names on the bad side.

Would I recommend this book to others? Yep. Great characters in a fast paced suspense topped with romance, friendship, and a nicely done faith thread. This is the third book in this series. It can be read as a standalone.

Where can I learn more about this author and their books?

Lynette Eason, author website

-Loraine Nunley

No Place To Hide by Lynette Eason (4 1/2 out of 5 stars) #BookReview #amreading Share on X