Book Review: Primary Suspect by Laura Scott
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Synopsis of the book:
When fire investigator Mitch Callahan is attacked at a crime scene, he’s shocked to uncover the body of a slain ex-girlfriend — and realize someone’s framing him for murder. Widowed ER nurse Dana Petrie believes Mitch is innocent, and not just because he makes her feel alive again after tragedy marred her past. But is she willing to risk everything only to love and lose again?
My review:
This was suspenseful right from the start. I liked that. The romance was good at the start but it felt rushed by the end. I was just getting to know them and then they were in love.
I really liked both Mitch and Dana, particularly Dana’s back story making her the woman she was currently. I wish that could have been developed more but I realize that is asking a lot for a short book.
Mitch was conscientious and caring, which I liked. It made him a target for framing and the suspense with that was great. I also enjoyed the puzzle solving Dana and Mitch were doing to figure out who was after them.
This is an installment in a series. I haven’t read any of the other books in this series so the names dropped for most of the family didn’t mean much to me, but the story stood on its own. One thing that I did have trouble with was all the “M” names. I realized it was a thing with Mitch’s family, but I kept getting him and his brothers confused especially when they were both talking in a conversation.
What I enjoyed most about this book:
I thought the suspense was good throughout and I liked the problem solving that Mitch and Dana were doing together.
What I didn’t like about this book:
Too many “M” names and the romance between Dana and Mitch progressed way too fast at the end.
My rating: 2 1/2 out of 5 stars
Would I recommend this book to others? Maybe. It was a nice suspense and a definite happily ever after, but if you are looking for more character development, this isn’t the story. It is just fast entertainment. This is the fifth book in the series. Even though it is a standalone, I would recommend reading the others if only to sort out the family names.
Note: I received this book complimentary as a participant of the Love Inspired Blog Tour. I was not required to give a positive review. All of the opinions I have expressed here are my own.
Where can I learn more about this author and their books?
Laura Scott, Love Inspired page
-Loraine Nunley
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