Book Review: Pursued by Lisa Harris
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Synopsis of the book:
Nikki Boyd’s flight into Nashville was routine – until the crash landing at the airport.
When the dust settles, Nikki discovers that the woman who had been seated next to her on the plane is missing – and no one will admit she was ever there. When she learns that Erika Hamilton had been flying to Nashville with an air marshal as a key witness in an upcoming grand jury trial, Nikki wonders if her disappearance from the crash site means she’s running from trouble – or straight into it. Before Nikki can even see her family, she and her team are pulled into a missing persons case where the motives are as unclear as the suspects.
My review:
Oh the twists and turns! This assignment starts off with a bang and doesn’t let up. The suspense is great and the case is so interesting.
Just when I think things are going to slow down for Nikki, she is taken on another thrilling ride. She doesn’t get much room to breathe and yet she is able to summon the strength to follow every clue to find the missing woman.
I really like how the author manages to balance Nikki’s character between strength and vulnerability. This story definitely leans more to the suspense side than the romance, but I was so invested in Nikki and the case that I didn’t mind the romance taking a back seat, although I was pleased that there was a nice ending for Nikki and Tyler.
What I enjoyed most about this book:
The great balance of Nikki’s character.
What I didn’t like about this book:
No closure on Nikki’s sister, which I was hoping for after reading the other books in the series.
Would I recommend this book to others? Oh yes. Especially for the suspense and strong female heroine. This is the third book in the series. It reads pretty well as a standalone.
Note: I received this book complimentary in a giveaway. I was not required to give a review. All of the opinions I have expressed are my own.
Where can I learn more about this author and their books?
-Loraine Nunley
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I love reading about places I’ve been…and the Nashville airport is someplace I”m familiar with!
That’s awesome Dianna! Thanks for reading my review. 🙂