Book Review – Reluctant Runaway by Jill Elizabeth Nelson
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Reluctant Runaway by Jill Elizabeth Nelson
Book Review
Synopsis from the Back of the Book:
Museum security expert Desiree Jacobs doesn’t mean to get in danger’s path. Really she doesn’t. But when a friend is in trouble you don’t just walk away. No matter what your overprotective FBI agent boyfriend says! So when Desi and Tony’s date at a presidential ball is interrupted by a frantic Maxine Webb, Desi doesn’t hesitate to jump in.
Soon Desi is neck-deep in a confusing array of villains. Did Max’s niece run away or was she taken? Is she still alive or the victim of a perverse ritual? And who wants her infant son-and why?
Then Tony’s organized crime case collides with Desi’s investigation, throwing them both into the path of something dark and sinister. Something that craves blood…
From the streets of Desi’s beloved Boston to the mountain desert of New Mexico, Desi and Tony must rely on God to thwart unseen forces – and save a young woman and her baby from a villain more evil than any of them can imagine.
My review:
This was a good story. Poor Desi. Every time it seems like she is going to be done with the trouble or danger, something else happens and pulls her back in. It was like Murphy’s law was in effect for her. Sometimes it was her own doing and sometimes it was others, but the story kept me coming back for more right up to the end. I enjoyed trying to figure out the mystery along with Desiree and Tony. I will say that I did not care for the ritualistic storyline about cults but that is just a personal preference.
I liked getting to know Desi more (this is the second book in the series). She was loyal and strong willed, but still empathetic toward others. Sometimes she would let her independence get her into trouble, but I still admired her for it.
I was glad to see Tony and Desi’s relationship grow with its bumps along the way. Tony struggles with Desi’s independence and his need to keep her safe. It is such a great quality in him. I liked that he finally manages to let go a little as he realizes that God is the one who needs to take care of her.
What I enjoyed most about this book:
This book is much like the first one in the series as it continues with the strong characters and a fast paced suspenseful plot. Just when I thought Desi would get a rest, something else happened. It made for a roller coaster ride which I enjoyed.
What I didn’t like about this book:
I do not care for storylines about cults or disturbed ritualistic groups of people. That is my personal preference. There are not too many books that I have read with those subjects that I haven’t put away before I finished them. Having said that, the author did a good job of presenting the storyline. I was invested enough in the characters to want to make sure that good overcame evil. And it did.
My rating: 3 1/2 out of 5 stars
Would I recommend this book to others?
If you are ok with the storyline (see above), then yes, I would recommend it. This is the second book in the To Catch A Thief series. It is a standalone story, but I think that it is more enjoyable to read the first book in order to have a foundation for Desi and Tony’s relationship, plus there are some things alluded to in the second book that you won’t get until you read the first one.
Where can I learn more about this author and their books?
Jill Elizabeth Nelson, Author Website
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