Book Review: Remnants – Season of Wonder by Lisa T. Bergren

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Remnants: Season of Wonder by Lisa T. Bergren | Review by Loraine Nunley

Synopsis from book flap:

Andriana is a remnant, one of the gifted born on the seventh day during the seventy-seventh Harvest after the Great War, and destined to act as humanity’s last shield against the horrors that now plague those who remain.

After years of training in stealth and warfare, Andriana and her Knight protector, Ronan, are finally ready to answer the Call and begin the life they were designed for. But as they embark with the other Remnants on the first of their assignments, they quickly discover that the world beyond the protected Valley is more dangerous than they imagined.

The Sons of Sheol will stop at nothing to prevent Dri and Ronan from rescuing anyone sympathetic to the Remnants’ cause. And as the Remnants battle the demonic forces, other enemies close in. Dangers intensify, but so do Dri’s feelings for Ronan — the one emotions she is not meant to feel. In the midst of their mission, Andriana must find a way to mask her feelings. Or risk compromising everything.

My review:

This was a very intriguing book. I love the obvious good versus evil throughout the story. Each Remnant has a gift and I liked watching Andi learn how to use hers. Also interesting to me was how people lived at a time when war had decimated much of the land. The author put much thought into how people would have survived.

Although this book is written in first person, there were times when it almost felt like third person. I can’t explain how without giving spoilers, but suffice it to say, I really enjoyed that.

Andi is a young lady who has been trained all of her life to be a warrior. I loved that the females in this book were just as strong in character as the men.

There is a spiritual thread throughout which, as a Christian, I enjoyed drawing parallels between my faith and the faith of the Remnants.

This book is the first book in the series and it was clear at the end of it that the journey of the Remnants was far from over. Be warned that if you enjoy this book as much as I did, you need to have the other two in the series to find out what happens.

What I enjoyed most about this book

The story kept me interested as I followed the journey of the Remnants.

What I didn’t like about this book:

The book ended in a good place so that it wasn’t really a cliffhanger, but the journey isn’t over so I have to wait to read the other books in the series to find out if good conquers evil.

My rating:  4 out of 5 stars

Would I recommend this book to others?  Yeah. I enjoyed it. It was stepping out of my comfort zone a little since it is a YA novel, but the story is good. This is the first book in the series. I wouldn’t really consider it a standalone book. I need to get the other books to really complete the story.

Note:  I received this book in a giveaway.  I was not required to give a positive review.  All of the opinions I express here are my own.

Where can I learn more about this author and their books?

Lisa Tawn Bergren, author website

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-Loraine Nunley




  • Aliyah

    This is the first dystopian book I’ve read and it’s one of my favourite books ever!! Well, I mean Lisa T Bergren is one of my favourite authors (Sarah Sundin being the other) so I couldn’t help but love the book and the entire series!!
    And honestly I’ve never read a book more perfectly timed. I’m not making sense. Ok so I had a bunch of stuff going on in my life that was horrible. And then I picked up this series and wow it totally encouraged me. Different quotes – and so many of them too!! – totally spoke right to me. One of them especially that I loved: “Fear and worry are the antithesis of faith, are they not?
    Every time I give in to concern about tomorrow, even my next hour, I rob this hour, this day if strength, peace. The Maker holds all my days. Do I trust him with them or not?”
    And anyways I don’t need to give my own review on these books here… That’s for goodreads. Lol but I loved this book so much 🙂

    • Loraine

      LOL Ailyah, that’s ok. I love hearing about how this book touched you. That is what makes books so very wonderful, don’t you think? Welcome to my website! 🙂