Rules of Murder by Julianna Deering | Book Review by Loraine Nunley

Book Review: Rules of Murder by Julianna Deering

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Rules of Murder by Julianna Deering | Book Review by Loraine Nunley

Synopsis of the book:

Introducing Drew Farthering. From the tip of his black Homburg to the crease in his Cheviot trousers, he’s the epitome of a stylish 1930s English gentleman. His only problem? The body he just discovered.

Drew Farthering loves a good mystery, although he generally expects to find it in the pages of a novel, not on the grounds of his country estate.

With the help of beautiful and whip-smart Madeline Parker, a guest from America, Drew proposes to use the lessons he’s learned reading his mysteries to solve the crime. Before long, he realizes this is no lark, and no one at Farthering Place is who he or she appears to be — not the butler nor blackmailer, the chauffeur nor embezzler. Trying hard to remain one step ahead of the killer — and trying harder to impress Madeline — Drew must decide how far to take this dangerous game.

My review:

What a good mystery involving smart and charming amateur sleuths. I was immediately drawn into Drew’s world. Mystery, with a number of suspects and romance on the side — Well played.

I can see why Drew Farthering has his own literary fan base. He was charming, genuine, and witty. The tragedy that befalls him throughout the story made me want to comfort him.

Thankfully, a worthy person took place as comforter — Madeline. She was a great fit for Drew. She was witty, kind, and spirited. I loved how she got under Drew’s skin and kept him on his toes.

I really enjoyed Drew’s best friend Nick and his special relationship with the butler. His humor made me laugh out loud when I wasn’t trying to figure out who the murderer was.

Speaking of the mystery, I liked how it was a little challenging for me to figure out. Just when my mind would go down one trail of evidence, another new and different piece or suspect would show up.

What I enjoyed most about this book:

Drew Farthering. I just really enjoyed his character — the charming rogue. 🙂

What I didn’t like about this book:

The murderer was a little strange at the end so I had a little trouble connecting that person to the persona they portrayed throughout the book. It just threw me off a bit.

My rating:  4 out of 5 stars

Would I recommend this book to others?  Oh, yes. It was a good historical mystery with great characters, and a nice romance woven through. This is the first book in the series. I’m so excited that there are more books. I can’t wait to see how Drew and Madeline get along.

Where can I learn more about this author and their books?

Julianna Deering, author website

-Loraine Nunley

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