Book Review: Stranded by Dani Pettrey
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Stranded by Dani Pettrey
Book Review
Synopsis from the Back of the Book:
Darcy St. James returns to Alaska to join a journalist friend undercover on the trail of a big story. But when Darcy arrives, she finds her friend has disappeared. Troubled by the cruise ship’s vague explanation, Darcy uses her cover as a travel reporter to investigate further.
The last person Gage McKenna expects to see during his summer aboard a cruise ship leading adventure excursions is Darcy. And in typical Darcy fashion, she’s digging up more trouble.
He’d love to just forget her – but something won’t let him. And he can’t help but worry about her as they are heading into more remote regions of Alaska and eventually into foreign waters. Something sinister is going on, and the deeper they push, the more Gage fears they’ve only discovered the tip of the iceberg.
My review:
This is the third book in the Alaskan Courage series and the third one that I have read by this author. I am becoming accustomed to great characters and fast-paced suspense. I was not disappointed. Although I will say, that in the previous books, I was more into the characters versus the suspense plot. I found myself more into the suspense plot in this book. I loved the way that the author kept me guessing and was not afraid to tackle a tough subject of underlying evil.
I liked Darcy St. James, but not quite as much as the leading ladies in the previous books. I think it was because she would rush headlong into trouble and there were times when I wanted to shake her for doing so. However, one of the reasons that she did that was out of loyalty for her friendships and I did admire that so ultimately I was able to forgive her foolhardiness.
Gage was another matter. It took me some time to warm up to him. Even though he had a very broken past, there was something just too perfect about him. At first. When he had to deal with Darcy’s foolishness and wanting to shake her, I could relate to him. That was when I began to enjoy him.
What I enjoyed most about this book:
One thing I love about series books is getting to revisit loved characters from the previous ones. That is one thing that I loved about this book. I also really enjoyed the storyline with the disappearance of people from a cruise ship.
What I didn’t like about this book:
It took me awhile to warm up to Gage and Darcy, but I eventually did.
My rating: 4 1/2 out of 5 stars
Would I recommend this book to others?
Yes I would. As with the other books in this series, the suspense was fast paced and well written. Again, I love the faith message that lies underneath. Just because I didn’t warm up to the main characters right away doesn’t mean that others would feel the same. This is the third book in the series and it is a standalone story, but I would highly recommend reading this series in order to enjoy the growth of the characters. Also, each book introduces the characters that will be in the next book in the series. So Gage and Darcy’s story didn’t really start in this book, it started in the previous one.
Where can I learn more about this author and their books?
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