Book Review: The Apothecary’s Daughter by Julie Klassen
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Synopsis from the back of the book:
As Lilly toils in her father’s apothecary shop, preparing herbs and remedies by rote, she is haunted by memories of her mother’s disappearance. Villagers whisper the tale, but her father refuses to discuss it. All the while, she dreams of the world beyond — of travel and adventure and romance.
When a relative offers to host her in London, Lilly discovers the pleasures and pitfalls of fashionable society and suitors, as well as clues about her mother. But will Lilly find what she is searching for — the truth of the past and a love for the futures?
My review:
I learned quite a bit about Apothecary history from this novel. The history coupled with the struggle of Lilly being a female at a time when women were not welcomed into the medical field, made for an interesting story.
I liked Lilly, but found myself distracted by all of the suitors. It took Lilly a pretty long time to figure out which one she had feelings for. I wasn’t sure which one I was rooting for.
I found the information on the Apothecary profession interesting. It was also interesting that Lilly’s friend had a disease that wasn’t talked about much during that time frame.
What I enjoyed most about this book:
Lilly’s compassion and loyalty to her family and friends.
What I didn’t like about this book:
Too many suitors.
My rating: 3 1/2 out of 5 stars
Would I recommend this book to others? Sure. This was an interesting look at a woman’s role in the early 1800’s dealing with a male profession.
Where can I learn more about this author and their books?
[tweetthis]The Apothecary’s Daughter by Julie Klassen (3 1/2 out of 5 stars) #BookReview #amreading [/tweetthis]-Loraine Nunley