Book Review: The Artful Match by Jennifer Delamere
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Synopsis of the book:
Cara Bernay has never fit in. At loose ends in 1881 London after a near tragedy costs her a job, she is befriended by a rising young artist. With his help, she begins planning a new life and developing her own artistic talent. But soon Cara finds herself at odds with the artist’s brother – a handsome but stern earl forcing his brother back to a “respectable” life.
Henry Burke, the Earl of Morestowe, feels the weight of growing financial burdens. His spendthrift and emotionally unstable brother is making matters worse, and Henry needs him back home. Despite misgivings about Cara’s mysterious background, Henry sees she’s a positive influence on his brother and on Henry’s unruly young ward, and he strikes a deal with her to return with them to their estate.
But the family has their own secrets, and when Cara, drawn even closer to Henry, stumbles onto the truth, she must choose between following her heart and pursuing a bold plan that could bring disaster.
My review:
This was a delightful romance between two likable people struggling with secrets while trying to figure out God’s will for their lives. I really enjoyed it.
I like the way this author has of changing my first impressions of her characters. When Cara showed up in the other two books of this series, she appeared flighty and naive. Getting to know her in this story was a pleasure because I discovered so much depth to her. What I took for flighty was actually a woman who placed value and priority on other people rather than on herself. I loved her selfless nature and her positive impact on those around her.
Henry struggled with his dysfunctional family, clearly at a loss as to how to fix their brokenness. Yet he tries again and again to do just that. His pragmatic nature was a great balance to Cara’s impulsive one. Together they could bring about the change that they longed for individually.
I very much enjoyed watching these two fall in love and find their value as people.
What I enjoyed most about this book:
Cara was my favorite person in this story. I loved her compassion and selflessness.
What I didn’t like about this book:
The epilogue was a little long for my taste, but it did wrap up any loose ends of the series.
Would I recommend this book to others? Yes. This is a very nice historical romance with sweet and thoughtful characters. This is the third book in the series. It can be read as a standalone, although the epilogue in this one ties up the story on all three books.
Note: I was gifted this book by the author. I was not required to give a positive review. All of the opinions I have expressed are my own.
Where can I learn more about this author and their books?
Jennifer Delamere, author website
-Loraine Nunley
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