Book Review: The Debutante’s Code by Erica Vetsch (Plus Giveaway)
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What is this book about?
Newly returned from finishing school, Lady Juliette Thorndike is ready to debut in London society. Due to her years away, she hasn’t spent much time with her parents, and sees them only as the flighty, dilettante couple the other nobles love. But when they disappear, she discovers she never really knew them at all. They’ve been living double lives as government spies–and they’re only the latest in a long history of espionage that is the family’s legacy.
Now Lady Juliette is determined to continue their work. Mentored by her uncle, she plunges into the dangerous world of spy craft. From the glittering ballrooms of London to the fox hunts, regattas, and soirees of country high society, she must chase down hidden clues, solve the mysterious code her parents left behind, and stay out of danger. All the while, she has to keep her endeavors a secret from her best friend and her suitors–not to mention nosy, irritatingly handsome Bow Street runner Daniel Swann, who suspects her of a daring theft.
Can Lady Juliette outwit her enemies and complete her parents’ last mission? Or will it lead her to a terrible end?
My review:
So much intrigue. I really enjoyed working the puzzle of random thefts and coded objects alongside Daniel and Juliette, especially considering they were on the same team, but unaware of it.
The story started off a little slow and it took a few chapters to get into the meat of the mystery. I was also expecting more romance but it was very light. This was more of an introduction to Thorndike and Swann.
While not a cliffhanger because the mystery is solved at the end, there are a few dangling threads that leave me wishing the next book was already written. I definitely want to see Juliette and Daniel work together again on other mysteries.
Readers of this author’s Secrets and Serendipity series will be happy to reunite with a few characters from it. I, for one, was pleasantly surprised to see them again.
What I enjoyed most about this book:
The mystery being investigated at the same time by Juliette and Daniel but not as partners.
What I didn’t like about this book:
Slow start.
Would I recommend this book to others? Yes, but with the caveat that it is more mystery rather than romance and that there are unanswered questions at the end. The mystery was well done and the characters are colorful. This is the first book in the series.
Note: I received this book complimentary from the publisher. I was not required to give a positive review. All of the opinions I have expressed here are honest and my own.
-Loraine Nunley
Where can I learn more about this author and their books?
The Debutante’s Code by Erica Vetsch (4 out of 5 stars) #amreading #BookReview #ReadWithAudra @audrajennings Share on X
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Paula Shreckhise
I just finished this book and it is one of my favorites. I can’t wait for the next book! I love Historical Mysteries.
Thanks for commenting Paula. 🙂
Roxanne C.
This sounds really good. Sometimes I am more interested in the mystery than the romance, anyway, and a historical mystery is even better!
Thanks for reading my review and commenting Roxanne. 🙂
Erica D. Vetsch
Thank you for reviewing The Debutante’s Code!
You’re welcome Erica. Looking forward to the continuing story of Juliette and Daniel. 🙂
Oooops. Mistyped my email.
Can’t wait to read this one.
Thanks for commenting Mindy. 🙂
Carolyn Jacobs
My book is on its way, and I can’t wait to read it! I’m so glad there are some glimpses of Serendipity and Secrets characters – they feel like old friends now.
Welcome to my website Carolyn. Thanks for commenting. 🙂