Book Review: The Five Times I Met Myself by James L Rubart

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Synopsis of the book:

What if you met your twenty-three-year-old self in a dream? What would you say?

Brock Matthews’ once promising life is unraveling. His coffee company. His marriage.

So when he discovers his vivid dreams—where he encounters his younger self—might let him change his past mistakes, he jumps at the chance. The results are astonishing, but also disturbing.

Because getting what Brock wants most in the world will force him to give up the one thing he doesn’t know how to let go…and his greatest fear is that it’s already too late.

My review:

Wow. After reading this book, which was a page-turner pushing me to binge read, I had to sit and let all of it sink in. This is not a genre that I typically read so I was somewhat apprehensive as to whether or not I would enjoy it. I am so glad that I pushed past that apprehension. This was truly one of my favorite reads of the year.

The first thing that grabbed my attention about this novel was the premise. Haven’t we all wondered what it would be like to go back and fix our mistakes or change those things that cause us regret?

But it wasn’t just the initial question that kept my attention; it was the results of Brock trying to change his life. What makes this book different from regular fiction, and talking to yourself in a dream, is that whenever Brock talked to his younger self, things in his real life changed. And some things were not the way he wanted them to change. It was completely fascinating to watch the ripples that each change would make.

Another thing that I loved about this story was the inspirational thread; the theme that no matter how bad we mess up our lives, God is ultimately in control and ready to bring us back to the path he wants us on. What a great contrast between fantasy and realism. Isn’t that what fiction should be?

Suffice it to say, I was impressed by the writing, the story itself, and the message. I have been missing out by not reading this author’s books and I believe I will pick up some more stories in this genre.

What I enjoyed most about this book:

So much, but I believe the inspirational thread would be my top pick.

What I didn’t like about this book:

Nothing. I am so glad I gave this author (and this genre) a chance.

Rating 5 out of 5 stars

Would I recommend this book to others? Absolutely, especially if you don’t typically read speculative fiction but find the ‘what if’ question intriguing. This was a very pleasant surprise for me. It is a standalone book.

Note: I received this book complimentary in a giveaway. I was not required to give a review. All of the opinions I have expressed here are my own.

Where can I learn more about this author and their books?

James L Rubart, author page

-Loraine Nunley

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