Book Review: The Forgiven Duke by Jamie Carie
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Synopsis of the book:
Tethered by her impulsive promise to marry Lord John Lemon, Alexandria Featherstone sets off toward Iceland in search of her parents with a leaden heart. A glimpse of her guardian, the Duke of St. Easton, on Dublin’s shore still haunts her.
Will he come after Alexandria? Will he drag her back to London, quelling her mission to rescue her treasure-seeking parents, or might he throw caution to the wind and choose the St. Easton motto, Foy Pour Devoir: “Faith for Duty.” The Featherstone motto, Valens et Volens: “Willing and Able,” beats in her heart and thrums through her veins. She will find her parents and find their love, no matter the cost.
The powerful yet wing-clipped Duke of St. Easton has never known the challenge that has become his life since hearing his ward’s name. Alexandria Featherstone will be the life or the death of him. Only time and God’s plan will reveal just how much this man can endure for the prize of love.
My review:
Even though this part of Alexandria and her guardian’s story was like being on a roller coaster ride, I found myself wishing that their time apart wasn’t so stretched out. I was happy that there was a satisfying conclusion to this portion of their story though.
I will say that my heart ached for the Duke of St. Easton. Between his mysterious ailment and all of the trouble that plagued him, it was a wonder to me that he managed to find the strength he needed to go on. I was torn between sorrow for all that he was going through and admiration of the man he was who become stronger for his trials. If Alexandria wasn’t going through her share of trials, I would have felt that she didn’t deserve the Duke.
Thankfully the end of this book was not a cliff hanger. The adventure is not yet over so I will be taking up the third book in this series.
What I enjoyed most about this book:
I loved the strength of character that the Duke displayed even in the depths of his trials.
What I didn’t like about this book
Too much time apart for the Duke and Alexandria. This part of their story felt too long.
My rating: 3 1/2 out of 5 stars
Would I recommend this book to others? Yes, but you should read the first book in the series which will give more depth to their relationship. This book gives a satisfying conclusion to the first book which was a cliffhanger.
Where can I learn more about this author and their books?
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