Book Review: The Guardian Duke by Jamie Carie
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Synopsis of the book:
Gabriel, the Duke of St. Easton, is ordered by the King to take guardianship over Lady Alexandria Featherstone whose parents are presumed dead after failing to return from a high profile treasure hunt. But Alexandria ignores this royal reassignment, believing her parents are still alive and duly following clues that may lead to their whereabouts.
Gabriel, pressured by what are actually the King’s ulterior motives, pursues her across windswept England and the rolling green hills of Ireland but is always one step behind.
When they do meet, the search for earthly treasure will pale in comparison to what God has planned for both of them.
My review:
Ahhh! A Cliffhanger! I am torn between loving this story and hating it because of that. I highly recommend that you have the second book in this series available to you so that you can see what happens.
I had many mixed emotions while reading this one. On the one hand, I found myself really irritated with Alexandria for being a young impetuous girl who should have given Gabriel a chance to help her. On the other hand, I really liked how she was able to very sweetly manage to get so many people to help her on her quest.
On the one hand, I was bothered by the fact that it took so long for the story of Gabriel and Alexandria to merge and on the other hand I was on the edge of my seat rooting for Gabriel to find her and to discover what his mysterious ailment was all about.
Oh, I so want to give this story a five star review because I can see how Gabriel and Alexandria fit together, but I don’t like cliffhangers at the end of books and I would have been really irritated if I didn’t already have the second book in the series available to me right away.
What I enjoyed most about this book:
I loved Gabriel’s personality and the beginning of his tender feelings toward Alexandria coming through.
What I didn’t like about this book:
Cliffhanger ending. 🙁
My rating: 4 out of 5 stars
Would I recommend this book to others? Yes, with a caveat. Do not read this one until you have the second book in this series lined up to read right after it.
Where can I learn more about this author and their books?
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