Book Review: Thriving in Babylon by Larry Osborne

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Thriving in Babylon by Larry Osborne | Book Review by Loraine Nunley

Synopsis from the back of the book:

Meet a man forced to live in a fast-changing and godless society. He faced fears about the future, concern for his safety, and discouragement as the world seemed to be falling apart at warp speed. Sound familiar? His name was Daniel, and with the power of hope, humility, and wisdom, he not only thrived, but he also changed an empire. Though he lived thousands of years ago, we can still learn much from him today.

My review:

Like many Christians, I knew a little about Daniel. What Christian doesn’t learn about Daniel and the lion’s den? I’ve also read the book of Daniel a few times and I know the importance of his prophecies in Christianity. I was not sure what to expect when reading this book but I must say that I was really impressed by what was presented and I learned a lot about Daniel. This book put his life in a new perspective for me. From his willingness to honor God when he could lose his life doing so, to the humbleness and strength involved in picking his battles and being a Godly man in a Godless society. This author really got me thinking about how my Christianity furthers God’s cause or detracts from it. I finished this book with a great deal of hope in my heart. If Daniel could thrive in Babylon, then so can we. Great read.

What I enjoyed most about this book:

Learning about Daniel’s environment and the history at that time.

What I didn’t like about this book:

That I waited so long to read it.

My rating:  5 out of 5 stars

Would I recommend this book to others?  Absolutely. If you are a Christian struggling with despair over what our world looks like today, you need to read about how Daniel lived and thrived in the midst of evil. It will make you take a look at how you walk your Christian walk.

Note:  I received this book in a giveaway.  I was not required to give a positive review.  All of the opinions I express here are my own.

Where can I learn more about this author and their books?

Larry Osborne, author website

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-Loraine Nunley

