Book Review: Without Warning by Lynette Eason
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Synopsis of the book:
Katie Singleton, a partner with the Elite Guardians Protection Agency, stumbles upon her next assignment quite by accident. Spotting blue lights at a familiar restaurant, she stops to investigate, only to discover that owner Daniel Matthews has become the target of someone who will go to any lengths to put him out of business.
Daniel might be concerned, but he’s not convinced that a bodyguard — and a female one at that — is necessary. A new attack and his niece’s urgings are enough to make him reconsider. He and Katie must figure out who’s behind the intimidation and threats — before a would-be killer strikes again.
My review:
I loved every minute of this thrill ride. How could a strong former military man need a bodyguard, particularly a female one? Have a loving relative force one upon him and make that bodyguard equally matched intellectually. Good chemistry ensues.
Katie was a great character. I loved her quiet strength. She was just the right person to be a role model for Daniel’s strong willed niece. Katie even tried to face her own fears head on which I found admirable.
Daniel is strong and capable, being former military, but his love for his niece softens him and his growing admiration for Katie makes him more open to allowing her to help him.
Of course, one cannot comment on this author’s stories without addressing the suspense. It is there — IN SPADES! It is page turning and nail biting as I expected. I almost had to hold my breath to the end. 😉
What I enjoyed most about this book:
The dynamic of Daniel and Katie’s relationship, proving that two very strong people can actually complement each other.
What I didn’t like about this book:
Nothing – this was just what I want in romantic suspense.
My rating: 5 out of 5 stars
Would I recommend this book to others? Definitely. It was great romance between two strong and honorable individuals. It was also page turning suspense with a great cast of characters. This is the second book in the series. Although it can be read as a standalone, there is something that happens to one of the secondary characters in the first book that may not be as impactful to read if you read this book before the first one.
Where can I learn more about this author and their books?
-Loraine Nunley
[tweetthis]Without Warning by Lynette Eason (5 out of 5 stars) #BookReview #amreading [/tweetthis]

Alison Boss
This book sounds so good! I like military stories, suspense, and romance so this book sounds like the perfect blend of everything. I have this series on my TBR and it certainly sounds like it is going to be a fun series to read! Thanks for this wonderful review, Loraine!!!
You’re welcome Alison. Thanks for reading it. 🙂
Perrianne Askew
I enjoy Lynette Eason’s romantic suspense because it doesn’t get so complicated that you can’t keep up. Her characters are also well developed and easy to keep straight.
Thanks for reading my review Perrianne. I agree with you. 🙂