This Is The C-5 Galaxy
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Back of the book: The C-5 Galaxy aircraft is one of the largest aircraft in the world and the largest military transport plane in the United States inventory. Its carrying capabilities, loading/off-loading efficiency, and performance make it an important part of the military airlift fleet. Setting world aviation records, this aircraft is considered the only true strategic airlifter of the U.S. Air Force. This book is intended to introduce children to this special aircraft, but may prove to win over the hearts of adults as well.
About this book: My husband is a retired USAF Loadmaster who served on the C-130 Hercules. I so enjoyed writing the children’s book about that aircraft, that I decided I wanted to highlight another unique aircraft – the C-5 Galaxy. The differences in the military transport aircraft have been fascinating to learn about and I hope that I can inspire children to learn more about these amazing aircraft. This book is the third in my children’s military aircraft series.