C-130 Hercules: An Introduction

C-130 Hercules: An Introduction

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C-130 Hercules: An IntroductionThe C-130 Hercules, and the many military transport aircraft that followed it, is a testament to man’s ingenuity. Prior to its design and production, there were no aircraft capable of transporting people, vehicles and equipment while also having the capability to unload that same cargo while in flight.

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The C-130 was introduced in 1956. For more than 50 years, it has been a workhorse for the military, in the US and abroad. It’s design has been outstanding in that it has a variety of uses. Not only is it one of the preferred transport aircraft for the military, it is also used for non-military tasks such as firefighting, search and rescue, scientific research and humanitarian efforts.

C-130 Hercules: An Introduction
Its versatility and sound design have kept it in continuous production only modifying it to improve upon its design with newer technology.

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This is the C-130 Hercules Book by Loraine D. Nunley (Millitary Aircraft Series for children)