Church Shopping – Finding the right place to connect to God
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As Christians, it is important for us to place ourselves among other believers. Given the amount of baggage that remarriages have, it is especially important for Christians in remarriages to surround themselves with believers. Not just believers, but those believers that will help us succeed in our marriages.
So there may be times when you will find yourself in a position of looking for a new church, or church shopping as I refer to it.
[tweetthis]What do you look for in a good #church ? #churchshopping #remarriage[/tweetthis]My family has moved around quite a bit and so we have found ourselves in the position of having to do more church shopping than I would like. It is definitely not on the top of my list for things I want to do. I am an introvert so putting myself out there by visiting new churches is way out of my comfort zone. But I believe it is important enough that I push through the discomfort.
It can be difficult to find a good church because there are many churches that preach a watered down version of the gospel or are just luke warm in their Christianity. There is also the fact that I have a blended family and “remarriage” can be a scarlet letter with some churches. And I have high standards for a home church. I want the full Bible preached. I want excitement about God. I want to be taught about God so I can grow in my relationship with Him. I want to be in fellowship with others who want to grow. I want my family to be built up and not torn down because we don’t all share the same last name.
I have walked away from church because of church politics, hypocrites, gossip, etc. But I have also been part of churches where I was built up so I know what I am looking for. I also know not to give up on it or to settle for less. And I encourage others to do the same.
If you belong to a church that builds you up in Christ, be very thankful for it and tell others about it.
If you are putting yourself out there and shopping for a good church, keep at it with diligence and lots of prayer.
If you have given up on church or haven’t begun looking, take a deep breath and take that step forward – again, with lots of prayer.
Most importantly, don’t be discouraged if it takes you awhile to find a place and don’t give up the search. God’s timing is always perfect and usually not what our timing is.
[tweetthis]How can I find the right place to connect to God? #ChurchShopping #MarriageAdvice[/tweetthis]-Loraine Nunley