Do fictional small towns exist in real life?
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One thing I love to do at this time of year is to watch the movies that the Hallmark channel puts out for Christmas. As I was watching one recently, I was struck by one of the reasons that I find many of these movies so appealing – the small towns. Not only the Christmas movies, but other movies as well. I especially like the TV series “Cedar Cove”, which is based on the book series by Debbie Macomber. It’s about, yep, you guessed it – a small town. I also enjoy many books about small towns.
I live near a small town. It is not the same as those small towns in the fiction world. People are busy. Some are nice, but most are more concerned about their lives than those of their neighbors. No one gathers together at the local school to watch the annual Christmas pageant. I get more name recognition from the Starbucks which is twenty miles away than I do from the local grocery store. In many ways, the town is just a smaller version of a city. I’ve been to and lived in (or around) quite a few small towns. I cannot remember any of them that would fit the bill for being like those fictional ones.
So that got me to thinking…
Do those fictional small towns exist in real life?
Are there small towns where people know their neighbors (in a good way)? Where the people of the town share in each others sorrows and joys? Where any holiday, particularly Christmas, is a celebration for the whole town? Where life is slower, but just as productive? Where God is present on a daily basis, not just in the churches?
[tweetthis]Do you know of a small town that could be mistaken for a fictional one? Share it with us! [/tweetthis]I want to know. Am I just dreaming here or are there actually real live small towns that would make me think that I stepped into a Hallmark movie?
Do you live or know about a small town like this? PLEASE tell us about it!
-Loraine Nunley

I was literally thinking the same thing. I sent a text to my husband and told him we needed to find one of these Hallmark small towns and move to live happily ever after. Do they exist..where can I find one. The ones I’ve seen its more keeping up with the joneses instead of love thy neighbor.
I know, right? Hi April, welcome to my website! I would love to visit a small town like those Hallmark ones.
Have you ever been to Fairhope, Alabama? It’s a lovely little town that sits on the Eastern Shore of Mobile Bay. Everyone gathers for the lighting of the trees which line the streets and the trees stay lit until after Mardi Gras. The shops are almost all locally owned and almost everyone knows or recognizes each other. However, in the past few years, visitors have found out about the town and now it’s becoming more populated. Still it’s a beautiful place full of southern hospitality.
My, that does sound like a beautiful place Miranda. I have not been there. We should check it out. Welcome to my website. 🙂
Fairhope is NOTHING like these movies! I lived there! So scratch that off the list!
Welcome to my website Mindy. Thanks for sharing that with us. Sounds like the hunt is still on! 🙂
Rod Gruesbeck
If you have a chance you should check out Frankenmuth Michigan. It’s a gorgeous little town and it has bronners which is a year round Christmas store.
Welcome to my website Rod. 🙂 Are you from Frankenmuth? I grew up in the Detroit area so I have visited Frankemuth and Bronners many times. It is a fun little town, but I am not sure it would fit the Hallmark style small town because it seems heavily geared toward tourists. Is it different for those people who live there?
Teri Smithson
I was born in Flint and lived not too far from Frankenmuth, as was my entire family (7 siblings). I can’t say that it’s a great small town. Yes very commercialized and very cliquey…when my eldest sister was molested by an older neigbor man there in 1960, my entire family moved 120 miles away to get away from this little town.
I dream of a Hallmark town too but I don’t think they exist. I had to stop watching the movies for several years after my parents passed away five years ago. I currently live in a small town in Arizona. I think we all have to just make our lives and those around us like a Hallmark movie. Oh how I wish there were a simple, old-fashioned town to live in where there are no alcoholics, drug addicts, criminals, or vehicles. I don’t think even Mackinac Island is free of modernization. 🙁
Most of these movies are filmed in Canada…maybe that’s the answer!
Welcome to my website Teri and thanks for your insights into Frankenmuth. Unfortunately crime is everywhere, isn’t it? So sad. I am still hopeful about finding those places where community cares though. 🙂
Kathy Hollings
Hi Teri,
I’m sorry to learn about your sorrow, but thank you for your valuable insight. “I think we all have to just make our lives and those around us like a Hallmark movie,”’is excellent advice.
Agreed Kathy. Welcome to my website and thanks for commenting. 🙂
Mary Ann Lundy Gilman
My cousin is looking for a small town in AZ now that she’s retired. She’s from the Tucson area but currently lives in VA. What small towns do you recommend in AZ?
Welcome to my website Mary Ann. 🙂
Duane Carpenter
Hi Teri,
Sorry to hear about your memories of Flint.
I was born & raised in flint back in 1950 – 1960’s, (graduated from Flint Northwestern). Flint was a nice city back then, (not so much now, sorry to say).
But I do think Holland Michigan & Mackinac Island are nice “Hallmark” towns.
Katrina Pierre
I love Frankenmuth! I just went in August and went to Bonner’s Xmas store. So quaint and beautiful with flowers all over.
I just love Bronner’s Katrina. When I lived in Michigan, I would visit it every year. Welcome to my website. 🙂
I realize this is an old post, but almost exactly said the words voiced by Loraine just this morning to my husband. Some of our town folks actually photoshopped a billboard that basically said ‘don’t let the door hit you on the way out.’ This is one of the reasons I left my hometown in ‘80 and said I would never be back. I am back to take care of elderly and disabled family and frankly the town has changed very little in terms of being caring and warm. Oh there ore some wonderful people here, but we as a town do not have a heart. So sad.
Welcome to my website Pam. I’m sorry that you’ve had that negative experience. Unfortunately it’s not limited to small towns. I’m still hopeful that those communities exist though. Let’s keep looking everyone! 🙂
Allison Scanlan
I was thinking the same thing. Every time I watch a Christmas movie, I want to move to one of those towns. I actually looked up Butters North Carolina and found that it is high in crime. So sad as I loved it in a Christmas movie. I want to live in a town just like you described. I wonder if any exist.
Welcome to my website Allison! I am still looking. I haven’t found anything that quite fits yet. 🙂
Leavenworth Washington, my father in laws mother lived there it’s gorgeous. Look it up Christmas time is like nothing you have ever seen.
Welcome to my website Christy and thanks for the recommendation. I will be looking that one up. 🙂
Christina Weeks
I was searching the same thing, which is how I found your post. Wouldn’t it be great if Hallmark set up a town like Disney did – then all of us who wanted to live there, could . . .
Hi Christina! I think I would love to live in one of those towns. So far I haven’t heard of any real ones. If they exist, people are keeping it secret. 😉
What a great idea Christina. Did you happen to send the suggestion to Disney, you never know, maybe they would be receptive…..I would move there!
Welcome to my website Rick. Thanks for commenting. 🙂
Taylor L
I’m also wondering if a place exists! I sure hope so!
Wouldn’t that be nice Taylor? Thanks for commenting and welcome to my website! 🙂
.maria l reeves
Thought celebration in fl was close to it but its fake disney ugg do wish we had those perfect towns maybe all we can do is dream or try and change our own towns?
Welcome to my website Maria. I am holding out hope that there are actually small towns out there that are for real. 🙂
Linda Davis Dowd
I’m watching a Hallmark Christmas movie right now.I would so love to live in a small town like the ones in these movies.It would be a dream come true to have such close friends and neighbors.
Welcome to my website Linda! I am with you. I love the Hallmark Christmas movies and the small town atmospheres that they portray often having me sighing at the end. 🙂 Thanks for commenting.
Wow! I just said to my husband that I my dream is to move to a town that is in the Hallmark Christmas movies! I would like to live in an old farm house a few miles into the country and be able to be in that quaint little town in a matter of minutes. I was searching for such a place this morning as I came across your post. I’m hoping they are not just fictional. I’ve always dreamed of moving to the beach when I retire, but now my heart is set on that quaint little Hallmark town!
Welcome to my website Jenn! 🙂 If you find a place, please let us know about it.
Wow! So happy I’m not crazy! I have been telling my family that I want to live in a small quaint town just like you see in a hallmark movie… they are just so sweet looking. I know everything is not perfect but it was be so great! Everyone keep looking and share the info when you find it! Happy Holidays to you ALL!
Thanks AnnMarie and welcome to my website! 🙂
Thank you very much Loraine!
Cyndi Hamilton
They do exist. I live in a beautiful little town called Weston, Missouri. It has a population of around 1700 people. It is a very special place with Christmas tree lighting and horse drawn carriages. Check it out, it’s a lovely place to live!
No kidding Cyndi? I am so excited to hear of such a place. Weston, Missouri everyone, let’s check this one out. 🙂 Thanks for sharing about your town Cyndi and welcome to my website!
I just stumbled upon this website and the first town that popped into my mind was Weston, Missouri too. It’s such a beautiful, quaint town. And the good ole’ Midwestern charm can’t be beat. Also, the beautiful old stone church on the hill is amazing!
Oh I’m so glad for another suggestion Jenny. Welcome to my website. Thanks for telling us about Weston, Missouri. I’m going to google that right now. 🙂
Interesting update…they are actually making a Hallmark movie in our town this week. How crazy is that!
No kidding! That is so cool. 🙂
Wow that is awesome wish I could make it the right about now.
Welcome to my website Cheryl. Thanks for commenting. 🙂
So shadingamazing that many of us are in search of such hot and pace from our community. My desire for the Hallmark town life is too how I came across your posting. I’ve Google so many of the towns in movies from the holiday season and yet to be successful in their existence. I have to agree with the previous post that if a place like Disney has done open up for town life operations would obtain a great turn out from people of very diverse cultures.
Welcome to my website Hopelessly Hallmark Townlife – like your name. 🙂
I found this site when looking for a small town like the ones in the hallmark christmas movies I’ve been binging on. It’d be so beautiful, even if it’s just for a small vacation around the holidays. And of course my romantic soul hopes that maybe I’ll even find love. You never know, right? Here’s hoping!!!
Welcome to my website Lish! My romantic soul is hoping for your to find your love as well. 🙂
Rhonda Townsend
I also have been looking for one of those towns and would be nice if I could find love as well. Would love to live a good life in a beautiful town with seasons celebrate the holidays with kind People but yet where you can make a decent living but yet enjoy life one say at a time celebrating the Holidays. Love love the Hallmark movies I guess I’m a hopeless romantic☺
I hear ya. I too have been looking for those towns like on hallmark. and the finding my soul mate. it’s not happening in Jacksonville FL.. lol Even just to visit a town like that and stay in a B & B would be amazing.
Welcome to my website Melissa. Thanks for commenting. 🙂
I too am in Jacksonville, FL. I started watching the occasional Hallmark movie after coming out of an ugly relationship with an alcoholic. Needed a positivity injection, I guess you could say. I’m not religious, but still would love to find a small, diverse Hallmark-like town to settle down in, where there are good, respectful, people. For me, it’s about someone’s character, rather than what there beliefs are. Best of luck to all of you!
Welcome to my website Jeff. Thanks for commenting. 🙂
This is amazing! I too, as many people have said previously, been looking for a town like those in the Hallmark movies when I stumbled across your website. It is amazing to see so many like minded people in one place, all looking for the same quaint little town. It is my dream to eventually find such a place and live there! Why don’t we all join together, find somewhere and build our own Hallmark-like town!
Welcome to my website Calum. I like that idea. Let’s build our own town! 🙂
Yvonne Answeeney
I’m all for that idea l’d love to find a place like that and start a little town.I’m so over this city stuff is I live the Hall mark channel
Welcome to my website Yvonne. It is so nice to connect with others who love the Hallmark movies. 🙂
Ha! Start our own Hallmark town…I love it! My family is in!
Welcome to my website Jenny. Thanks for commenting. 🙂
YESSSSS!!!! My husband & I are IN!!
Helena Jackson
I’m in!!! I’m binge watching “The Good Witch” and love the idea of living in a small town. Just like the show, there will always be some drama, but overall, people come together to help each other. I love that concept! If you guys come up with places, please let me know!!!
Welcome to my website Helena. 🙂
I am in
Debbie Johnson
Calum, I was just thinking of the same idea- we who are looking for a Hallmark town NEED to build one!! LET’S DO IT!!!! Close, caring community! Our oldest daughter is looking for the man of her dreams/love if her life. Our family’s prayed for that for a long time…
Welcome to my website Debbie. Thanks for commenting. 🙂
Shari Saunders
I was just reading these replies as I was thinking of the same as your daughter Debbie. I think Hallmark and the like has encouraged us to find that kind of living that makes you feel good and always want to do for each other and still be able to fulfill the desire for a true love. Still wishing, hoping and yes, praying it all happens before I am too old to care.
Welcome to my website Shari. Thanks for commenting. 🙂
There are many towns such as that along Hwy 49 in the California Sierras. The only catch is people move to these small towns and then they aren’t so small anymore, and some locations know you by name and some by number!
There is that danger that if a small town becomes well known lots of people may move to it and that might take away some of the small town charm. Welcome to my website Jim. 🙂
Every year I dream about being in a town such as in the Hallmark movies. Life in NYC does not provide that cozy, welcoming, loving and warm feeling that exudes from these movies. Fantasy or reality, I really would love to experience it. Do you remember the show ” Fantasy Island ” ? There are your dreams came true to life ! I’m glad that there are others who wish the same, I like the idea to build our own Hallmark town!!
Oh, I remember “Fantasy Island” Yuri! That would be a good wish to have Mr. Roarke grant. 🙂
Martha Porter
I too found your site by searching for Hallmark like towns. It would be wonderful if they really existed! Even if we couldn’t move there, maybe we could visit. I urge all young folks to find such a place and make it great! At my age it’s a little too late for me. Good luck to all of the searchers!
I’d at least like to visit one Martha. Let’s keep looking! 🙂
Well for those who are from small towns like that or little old hole in the wall Country towns like that you look for something different I’m from a country town called Whitwell in Tennessee I want to find a different Little City 1 with cute men and Fantasies and a Hallmark Movie Town so thank you for this website and if anyone knows of a small town other then the one I’m from that’s productive and quaint and exciting with Christmas festivals and other Hallmark Channel festivities I wouldn’t mind hearing about them other than that my dream is to move to New York thank you again for your website it was exactly what I was looking for
Welcome to my website Jessica. 🙂 Let’s hope someone can tell us of some small Hallmark movie type towns.
Actually, Whitwell TN is a great small town! It’s the topic of its own story and movie. I’ve never actually been there, but it’s on my list…The area IS beautiful! If the movie is remotely accurate, it would be a great place to live, I think.
Welcome to my website Sheila and thanks for sharing that. Looks like we have a small town to check out everyone! 🙂
I googled small town Hallmark real life and found this! It’s been my dream since Northern Exposure, Gilmore Girls, Smallville, to Ghost Whisperer, to find a Small town you can walk everywhere! Lead me to one!!!
Welcome to my website Paige! We’ve gotten a few suggestions, but we are still looking. 🙂
Paige, did you know that Northern Exposure (Cicely, Alaska) was actually filmed in Roslyn, WA and hour or so East of Seattle. You can still see some of the sites used in the show.
Oh I didn’t know that Rick. Thanks for sharing that with us.
Janet Springer
I live in a small town but a short drive from here is a town called Yates Center KS. Everyone knows each other by name and stops to chat with each other. It has a sense of community that is lost in most of america. One example of many is one of the farmers there got cancer and couldn’t farm his land. The people if the town knew this and knew that’s his familys livelihood. So got together and farmed the land for him. There are many stories like this in the quaint little town.
Oh, this is so exciting Janet! Welcome to my website and thanks so much for sharing about this town. I will definitely be looking into it. 🙂
Hi there…yes I am in search of the same thing…want to take my family to a Hallmark town to celebrate next Christmas with snow….we live in Florida……snowbirds in reverse I suppose…..I have heard of Woodstock, VT and wonder if anyone knows about that area….thanks.
Welcome to my website Betsy. 🙂 What about it everyone? Does anyone know about Woodstock, VT?
We are looking for the same thing for next Christmas. We watch Christmas shows from Thanksgiving on and my daughter has always wanted to rent a place right our of a Hallmark movie. My husband decided we would do it for our next Christmas so we can have a memory for the entire family. I thought it would be easier to find but so far it is has not been.
Welcome to my website Jenny. Yeah, I was hoping to hear about a bunch of places, but so far only one or two have been suggested. I’m hoping that these little gem towns are just being kept quiet rather than learning that they don’t exist in real life. 🙂
Hi Loraine!
I actually know of one: the Hallmark movie “Christmas in Homestead” was filmed in Dahlonega, GA. Also, the movie “Christmas in the Smokies” was filmed in Dahlonega too.
I also stumbled upon an article where author Debbie Macomber talks about some towns she has visited for inspiration for her stories, some of which were made into Hallmark Christmas movies. You can find it here: http://www.barnesandnoble.com/nook-blog/debbie-macombers-5-favorite-small-towns/
I hope this helps! Have a wonderful day.
Welcome to my website Cathy. This is great information. I’m looking Dahlonega GA up right now. Thanks! 🙂
You are most welcome! Glad I could help and I’m glad to know there are others out there who are Hallmark junkies like me!
Oh, I just love Hallmark movies Cathy. 🙂 I’m excited that they have been making them all year round now.
I have been to Dahlonega GA. It looks just like it does on the movie except for the snow. I know it snows in N. GA. sometimes but I don’t know if it does that much.
Welcome to my website Julie. I’m intrigued. I looked up Dahlonega GA and the pictures are really pretty. Does anyone know if it has the Hallmark town vibe to it?
Good morning I am also in search of a hallmark town! I have emailed hallmark and home and family in hopes they can give me some insight! As far as Dahlonega this is where I went to college. I would say it has one day if at all of a hallmark like town. They light up the square as a town but that is about it. The town has lots of college students and it’s only getting bigger and make the small town fade fast.
Welcome to my website Lesley. One of the problems that we might run into when searching for a real life Hallmark town is that it could become so popular that it loses that “small town Hallmark” feel. Thanks for commenting. 🙂
My daughter and I actually stayed in Dahlonega last fall when we were attending a wedding there (they started filming on the movie the day after we left!). We both loved this quaint, beautiful mountain town. So peaceful and relaxing.
We can’t wait to go back!
Welcome to my website Angie. Thanks for sharing that. 🙂
Helena Jackson
Thank you so much Cathy!!! <3
It’s been awhile since the last comment, I’m sure the Hallmark Christmas movies bring out the small town longing in many of us and now we’re way out of season. But I always have that desire to find one of those towns. I think of the town Julia Roberts goes to in Sleeping with the Enemy. So if you’ve found one of these gems, or plan to check out some of the suggestions from above, please keep us posted!
Welcome to my website Heather. Now that Hallmark is doing movies year round, I find that the my small town curiosity is being peaked with every season. 🙂
The town Julia Roberts goes to in Sleeping with the Enemy is Cedar Falls, Iowa and as great of a place as Iowa is, Cedar Falls is not that small of a town and it is located right next to Waterloo, Iowa which has a reputation for crime. It, for me, would not qualify as a “Hallmark movie town.” The University of Northern Iowa located in Cedar Falls has quite a few students.
Welcome to my website tmarie and thanks for the input. 🙂
Every year as I watch the hallmark movies I have this same longing to at least visit a small town like those in the movies. I’m a hopeless romantic and sucker for the Hallmark holiday movies.
I completely relate to that Cindy! I love the Hallmark movies. Welcome to my website. 🙂
Just saw this site!! Wife and I are the same as everyone! Not sure of the movie but one was about a small town in Iowa that actually exists.
Welcome to my website Mark! The hunt is still going. I’m in Texas where we have lots of small towns, but I haven’t come across anything Hallmark like as of yet.
Does anyone out there know the name of that town in Iowa that Mark is referring to?
I just saw the movie yesterday. Christmas in Homestead. Googled the town in Iowa, population 176. Hmmmmmmm
I think that town may be a little too small to qualify. 🙂
Dawn Snyder
Just the reason it should qualify…176…mmm…we actually live outside of Montoursville, PA…not sure what pop is…town would qualify for hallmark but the people are very clicqy…Wellsboro PA would qualify too every Christmas they do a Charles Dickens Christmas and they dress for the period and have cool stuff for sale. Don’t know about the people after the holidays are over….might be worth some investigation…
Welcome to my website Dawn. I’m going to look up Wellsboro. I love when the towns do lots of holiday events. 🙂 You do bring up a good point though. I want a Hallmark type town to have those qualities we love during the year as well.
Again repetative, I have the same dream. Fantasizing for the right house in the right town with that quaint atmosphere. ( The whole package). Not sure what this town is like, but, I saw a house on Zillow that was in a place called Boothbay Harbor, Maine. Googled the town and it seems like it would be as if you were walking on to the set of “Murder She Wrote”. Wonder if it as quaint as we all would like.
I have looked into some places that were mentioned like Frankenmuth. And Leavenworth, but they are so expensive. Seems like even the minor quaintness of life is expensive. Still have hope though.
I will have to look into Boothbay Harbor Linda. I did a quick search and saw a lovely picture of a Bed and Breakfast there that does look like it could be in a Hallmark movie. 🙂
Have been to Frankenmuth, place is gorgeous!
Ok ladies! When we find this Hallmark town….the local handyman has already been claimed by me 🙂 lol
LOL Jackie – we will keep that in mind. 🙂 Welcome to my website.
Hello 🙂
My name is Alex and I love watching Hallmark movies… They keep making me fall in love with small towns in US. I’m from Poland and I have a favour to ask for all of you 🙂 I would love to see more amazing movies with small towns and beautiful stories 🙂 I would love you for suggest some.
PS. Sorry for any mistakes . Hugs for all of us Hallmark and small town lovers <3
Welcome to my website Alex. Most of the small town movies I watch are the Hallmark movies. They have so many of them now. Hallmark has even started doing sequels to some of their holiday movies. You should check out Hallmark’s website for a listing of their movies. 🙂
I am so glad I found this site! I thought I was one of the very few searching for the lifestyle and towns portrayed in the Hallmark movies!
A small town that has lots of community spirit and support is Forks, Washington (don’t laugh!). It has a population of 3500 but does not have the look of many of the towns in the movies.
Welcome to my website Janiece. Forks, Washington huh? That is definitely an unusual name for a town. 🙂 I am going to look into that one.
I guess I’m far from the only one looking for a town like Middleton (good witch ). Maybe we should all just form our own town I’d help with the Xmas festival every year…lol
Welcome to my website Macie. We just might have to form our own little town. 🙂 I’m wondering…
I think we really ahould form our own town and make it like we live in Hallmark time! That would be perfect! Who’s going to put this together so we can make it happen!!
I like that idea 😉 Welcome to my website Jazzy.
janiece stroup
Loraine, Forks is the small town that the Twilight books are based upon. That was my don’t laugh comment. The town is very community oriented and is in the beautiful PNW on the Olympic Peninsula.
I haven’t read the Twilight books so I don’t have anything to reference there. 🙂 I did see that Forks is located near the Olympic National Forest. I bet it is pretty beautiful there.
Duane Carpenter
Forks is nice, but not much of a town; But, Port Townsend is a nice, quaint, Victorian Hallmark type of town.
Rhonda Townsend
I’m a Hallmark fan as well. I have been watching for many years. I especially live the holiday movies and absolutely live the towns. I’ve been looking myself to hopefully try and find a quaint town with the lovely homes but yet can be productive business wise. It would also be great to come across love . Call me a hopeless romantic or a dreamer but I do believe in both. I’m hoping I’ll find that lovely that celebrates and embraces the holidays with friends and family.☺ I’m glad I’m not the nly looking for these towns.
Welcome to my website Rhonda. I’m hopeful that there are real life Hallmark towns. We will keep looking. 🙂
Great article Loraine! I am addicted to Hallmark movies and would love to find one of these fictional towns. I have traveled throughout the country and came across many quant towns. Never spent enough time in any to see if they have the right atmosphere though. I am sure many exist and maybe finding one is part of the adventure. Although, like many others here, I would love to visit one for Christmas. I vaguely remember hearing about some in the New England area. Maybe I need to do some research as well!
Welcome to my website Jim. I think it would be so neat to be able to visit an actual Hallmark-type town for the Christmas holidays. 🙂
Evelyn A
OMG! Last Christmas I told my daughter that I want to experience a small town Christmas instead of watching them on television. As we are watching a Hallmark Christmas this very moment we were reminded of our wish.
I am searching some place in Oregon (I live in California and forgot to budget for the vacation). I cannot find anything like the fictional towns so I thought that perhaps they only exist on Hollywood sets.
So we might just visit Solvang, CA that’s just a couple of hours away. It seems quaint but without the snow.
Welcome to my website Evelyn. The search is continuing. 🙂 Stop back by here after you’ve visiting Solvang and let us know how that visit was. 🙂
Julie Anne
Thank you for posting this blog about wanting to live in a Hallmark town. This is embarrassing, but sometimes when a Hallmark Christmas movie ends I cry a little, missing the characters and wanting to find/create my own little piece of heaven on earth in a small, loving and supportive town. I am about to try to do just that. Soon, I will close on a house that was built in 1849 – at one time it belonged to my great grandfather and grand-father. My mother grew up there as well. Right now, the town in Iowa is very small, but when I went to visit, they “don’t take kindly to outsiders” from Arizona. I was hoping to feel more welcome than that. My husband and I are going to try and restore the home and register it with the historical society – or make it a B&B. I have some ideas for getting the town involved. One of my favorite movies is “Back to you and me” with Lisa Hartman Black and Rue McClanahan. Wish me luck!!!
Welcome to my website Julie Anne. I wish you the best of luck with your home and town. Sometimes it takes people awhile to warm up doesn’t it. I love that you are willing to try to create that feeling in your town. Please keep us updated on your efforts. 🙂
Hi Julie! Where are you in Az?? I live in Gilbert. I am on the hunt for a small Hallmark like town too!! I am so sad because it seems like they don’t exist.
Welcome to my website Krista. Thanks for commenting. 🙂
That’s right!! Even Cassie (Good Witch) wasn’t welcomed in Middleton at first….and look how that turned out!!
Absolutely Jen. Welcome to my website. 🙂
Glad Im not alone, sad we dont have a big list yet! haha
Welcome to my website Jessica. Not much of a list yet, but I’m still hopeful! 🙂
I do recommend ppl check out Berlin Maryland…”America’s Coolest Small Town”
I’m going to check that one out Jessica. Thanks for commenting. 🙂
Judith M Shaffer
Hi everyone,
I am a Hallmark fan completely! The Good Witch is my ultimate favorite, but so are the holiday movies. I too, like everyone else on this site, looking for small town, hopefully lakeside, feel. I have lived in cities from Pittsburgh to Jacksonville and back, and I just cannot seem to find that Hallmark town. Do they really exist? And those of you who have suggested some of the towns, have you ever found any toward the Southeastern states? I have to agree Dahlonega, GA is a quaint little town, but yes, it is growing and eventually will lose its small town appeal. I am on the hunt for small town feel as well, yet one that is thriving. I cam from a small town originally, but the town is dying as there is no business to draw in the young and keep the small town feel alive.
I am excited about finding this site and look forward to hearing about the small towns that Hallmark inspires us to look for.
Hi Judith! I am so glad you came to my website. I have, unfortunately, been to lots of small towns that are not thriving. It is so sad when you see these towns with half of their storefronts boarded up. I remember reading a Love Inspired series where a philanthropist purchased a small town and proceeded to revitalize it by recruiting small business owners to move to the town. I would love to see that in real life. 🙂
Latoya Jones
Hello everyone! Like so many of you, I love Christmas and everything Hallmark! I was just watching a movie last night call Miss Christmas and fell in love with yet another perfect Hallmark town. I have does a lot of research with this because I would love to move somewhere like these wonderful towns in the movies. I am not sure if I am allowed to post links to other pages or articles, if not I apologize, but I thought this would be fun to share. I am guessing the the travel channel get’s this question a lot, so they put a list together of the top 10 towns or cities with the best holiday spirit:
Welcome to my website and Thanks for sharing this with us Latoya. I’m going to check out this list. I know that San Antonio and New York City would be too big to qualify for the small town status, but maybe some of these other towns? I noticed that one of them was actually used for a Hallmark movie. 😮
Check out Abingdon, VA. It has a similar feel. Little shops with bakeries, antique stores, the Barter Theater, Martha Washington Inn, all within walking distance. You have to check out the Tavern, my favorite restaurant.
Oh yay! Another town to check out! Thanks for sharing that with us Allyson and welcome to my website. 🙂
I to am looking that town, to visit around the holiday, but I have to ask myself am I Christmas romantic and this only happens on Hallmark movies. I hope that is not the case. I am vising a place in December McAdenville NC that is called Christmas Town USA, has anyone been there?
Welcome to my website Cynthia. I hope that those Hallmark type of towns exist and that we are not only limited to watching them on the movies. 🙂 I have not been to McAdenville NC. Be sure to come back and tell us about your visit to it.
I’m glad to find your page, Loraine. I finally confirmed that I’m not alone in this world who also dreaming to visit and to settle down to places like what we used to see in hallmark movies. I’m from the Philippines, maybe the only Filipino in this thread. I started watching hallmark movies few years back and I never stopped. Filipino’s also celebrates long Christmas holidays and we have different tradition here that you can also enjoy. However, on the other end, I would also love to visit small towns that have been featured in hallmark movies. It boosts my Christmas spirit more and I love it!!!
Welcome to my website Garrie. You are not alone in looking for that small town holiday spirit. 🙂
We visited Southport, NC over the summer. Very small and quaint. Super sweet people. That’s where the movie Safe Haven was filmed. I’ve been looking for a Hallmark town for years and that seemed to be the closest I’ve come so far.
Southport NC sure does look pretty from some of the images I was able to get on Google. Welcome to my website Stephanie and thank you for sharing that. 🙂
Hi! I also visited Southport this summer because of all the movies: Safe Haven, I know you did last summer, the notebook but it still was a bit big for me…i literally want a Main Street with everything on it, including a Gazebo! I want to live in the town like Hart of Dixie! I do agree we should all just build one
Welcome to my website Kerry. A gazebo would be awesome! Thanks for commenting. 🙂
Jo Self
I found you when I searched, “I want to retire in a Hallmark town.” If we can’t find one preexisting maybe we could build one!
Also, you are the first person I have encountered in my 50+ years that spells your name the same way my 82 year old mom’s is spelled – “Loraine with 1 ‘r.’”
Perhaps if enough of us search for, envision and write about this special place, we can bring it into being in our experience.
Welcome to my website Jo. 🙂 I’m not sure how we would go about building a town of our own, but I love the idea of making that fictional town a real thing.
I don’t run across many people with the same spelling of my name. We are a special group – Loraine with one ‘r’. 😉
My friend and I love Hallmark movies all year.. We also want to find the perfect quality Vermont town where everybody knows you, the breakers always have fresh baked croissants and cookies and there is always a big town celebration of Christmas…. Where is this place???
Welcome to my website Terry. We will find the place – I know it! 🙂
I’ve had the “Hallmark Town” fantasy in my head since way before Hallmark movies existed. I actually found one, many years ago, and moved my family there sight unseen. We were very happy there and lived the Hallmark life for many years.
Unfortunately, in the early 2000’s, things started taking a turn for the worse there. The opioid epidemic took hold, drug dealers from Baltimore started moving into town, crime was on the rise. In 2007, we sadly left what used to be a perfect little town – Keyser, WV.
Keyser was the home place of Jack Rollins, who wrote Frosty the Snowman. I still consider it home, although I moved there as an adult. So do my kids, who are now all grown.
So, now we live in Florida, in a small town that is nice, but far from being a Hallmark town. Obviously, there is no snow. I’ll always be searching for that perfect Hallmark town. That’s how I ended up on this site. Along with the perfect town, I want the perfect house that stays spotless, like the ones on Hallmark movies. 🙂
Welcome to my website Roberta. How sad about your little town. 🙁 I love the idea of finding a house that manages to stay spotless. I think that might be harder to find than the small town. 😉
In my Hallmark town search, Black Mountain, NC is my dream. We visit often and love the people. Mountains, some snow, small colleges, quant shops and restaurants are plentiful. There is even a old fashioned general hardware store. It is a half hours drive to the city of Asheville. We love to vacation there and hope to retire there.
Welcome to my website Katie and thanks so much for giving us a Hallmark style town to check out. Alright everyone, let’s look into Black Mountain, North Carolina. 🙂
Kortlahn Malone
Omg, I thought I was the only one who wondered this! I watch the Hallmark Christmas movies every year and I love many of the other movies as well. That small town feeling is exactly what I have been searching for as well which is what led me to your website. I live in Mineral Springs,Ar and believe me it’s very small town we all know one another including in surrounding areas but we don’t go all out for holidays like the hallmark movies .. Nashville, ar on the other hand yes, you get somewhat of that hallmark movie feeling but everyone is not as nice as in the movies but they do go out typically for the holidays
Welcome to my website Kortlahn. Yes, that combination of friendliness and holiday spirit is a little more difficult to find, but we are getting some ideas of where to look. 🙂
Ketchum, Idaho is a great town! It is right on the edge of Sun Valley, a magical ski village! It is surrounded by mountains and rivers. The one word to describe it is…MAGICAL! Definitely recommend if you are looking for a Hallmark, quaint, ski village.
Yay! Another town to check out. Welcome to my website Carlie and thanks for telling us about Ketchum, Idaho. 🙂
Kimberly Ann Starliper
The last few Cristmases can be rough for me but than I start watching the hallmark Christmas movies and with me being alone and disabled and in a divorce and no support but God above and my dogs I cry wishing that I could find a real town like that where thier so welcoming and happy to help and support and never feel alone for Christmas. I am stuck in reality of my little town that seems to good to be true. If thier was such a place it would feel like heaven and a true miracle and if you would find a place like that I would love to know so maybe I can have a chance to live what it is like to be needed and loved and made part of.
Oh Kimberly, I am so glad that you found my website and commented. I am sorry that you are experiencing those trials. I pray that God will send you people to welcome you and show you that you are loved. Thank you for being brave and please know that God is there for you. 🙂
I’m excited to have found this website…full of people also seeking that cozy, quaint, friendly Hallmark-like town! I wonder though…could we all possibly be searching for nostalgia? …for the way things used to be, which still lives on in these Hallmark movies. Times have changed and with it, people have gotten busier and more self-absorbed. Many people have forgotten what manners are and just simple consideration for others…a simple smile or hello to a stranger. Even a caring, friendly neighbor seems difficult to find these days, let alone a whole town! Still, I hope we can discover this magical place!
My friend just visited Bryson City, NC and described it as a true Hallmark town…small shops, scenic train rides, borders Greater Smoky Mountains…1 hour from Asheville. I hope to check it out soon!
Welcome to my website Robina. I agree that we are all looking for more of a feeling rather than geography, but it would probably be easier to locate in a smaller town rather than a large city. Thanks for sharing Bryson City, NC. I’m going to check that one out! 🙂
I am not from this country and every time, I see one of this Hallmark movies, I always wonder “where are these people living?” I am from a country which is the complete opposite of USA. USA has given me so much but I so wish that I could have some neighbors who would bother to talk to me or at least casually ask how life is at least once in a week. I live in Silicon Valley and I am just not sure if a place like that even exists in USA ( let alone Bay area).
Welcome to my website Radhika. The search continues for those places. Thanks for commenting. 🙂
Sarah stubbs
I Googled ” In search of the best hallmark towns in Tennesee or North Carolina ” and found my way here. I also desire to escape the millions in Houston, for a lovely small town, in the mountains. I’m not sure if they really exist but I am not giving up.
Welcome to my website Sarah. Thanks for commenting. 🙂
Matt O
Wow!, awesome site Loraine. I’m from Sydney, Australia and i was watching “Longmire” on Netflix. I thought i’d love to go and visit and stay in a small town for a few weeks and just relax and blend in with the locals. We have plenty of small towns here in Australia but a trip to a US small town would be very nice.
Welcome to my website Matt. 🙂 Are there small towns in Australia that are Hallmark-like?
I found this searching Hallmark towns. I relocated to a different part of my state but looking to move to a small town somewhere with all 4 seasons that’s more affordable than Northeast. I feel like I never fit in anywhere I would love to move to a small town where I made friends & we were welcomed with open arms. But I think most small towns probably won’t like new people especially city. I just lost my Mom to cancer this year I have nothing here. Just waiting for my son to graduate high school than me & my fiancé are ready to go I hope I find my new small town life
Welcome to my website Peggy. 🙂 I hope that you find a place like you describe. I think we all just want to live in a place where we feel welcome, don’t we?
Check this one out, it’s in Illinois!
Bishop Hill, Illinois
I’m off to google that one right now. Thanks Steph and welcome to my website. 🙂
I’m watching a hallmark movie right now and I can just imagine myself living in one of those small town. Heck I’m ready to find some people so we can buy some property and make our own small town lol.
Welcome to my website Nisha. I like the idea of creating our own wonderful small town. Anyone else on board? 😉
Tina Ray
I just found this in a Google search. I to am looking for that special hallmark kind of town.
Welcome to my website Tina. The search continues… 🙂
Wow!!! I’m in awe as to how much all of us are alike. So happy to see I’m not the only one wishing to live in a small town that has a close knit community like you see on hallmark. Still searching for that specific town and haven’t come across any really but really hoping one comes up!! 🙂 thanks for this site!!
Welcome to my website Cheyenne. I’m hoping we will find something. Until then we have to be content with the Hallmark movies. 🙂
hi any luck yet?
Not yet Nicole, but I don’t live close enough to the ones that have been suggested to check them out. Thanks for commenting. 🙂
Diane Earney
Hi, I think with all the people on this website we should get together and make our own Christmas town….. I love hallmark and want to live in those small towns.
Welcome to my website Diane. There are certainly lots of people looking for that Hallmark town feel, aren’t there. 🙂
Amber Tara
Volant, PA – its literally one street full of small shops. Wineries and food. Can’t spend a weekend here but could definitely spend the day.
Welcome to my website Amber and thanks for the suggestion. 🙂
Oh I am so glad I came across your website while searching about small American towns. I am from the UK and have watched (and still do, daily) Good Witch. I watched all 4 seasons then went straight back to season 1 and started all over again. My dream is to move my family to a small quaint town in America where you can walk down the street and be greeted by everyone who walks past you just like you see in these Hallmark movies. I know Good Witch is filmed in Canada but finding a small town like Middleton over in America would be a dream come true. If anyone does start up a small town let me know
Welcome to my website Emma. I’m so glad that you stopped by. 🙂
I’m another Hallmark Christmas dreamer! I live in Fredericksburg Texas and after searching all over the internet, have come to the conclusion that Fredericksburg might be the perfect Hallmark Christmas town! Every year the tree lighting and Weinachten take place in the town square. You can shop, listen to the band play Christmas tunes, and grab hot cocoa or mulled wine. Every shop on Main Street is lit up and a horse drawn carriage offers rides. When you walk down the streets, you can smell the cider and hear the music coming from the shops. There’s a parade that brings Santa to town. An ice rink is set up so folks can ice skate. We rarely have snow, but the weather is usually very nippy and it feels like Christmas! I think I just convinced myself to stay home for Christmas!
That sounds awesome Shirley! Welcome to my website and thanks so much for sharing your town with us. I’m going to check it out. 🙂
Denise Powell
Take a look at PAwilds(DOT)com article “Raising Kane”.
I live in Midland,Tx but had a native of Kane living her for the last year. She hated living in Midland and just got transferred home. Her life growing up in Kane sounds like a Hallmark movie.
I’m going to look Kane, PA up Denise. Thanks for telling us about it. 🙂
Brandy Coates
Ok I have an AWESOME idea… since there are SO many of us that would just LOVE to live permanently in a Hallmark movie setting – let’s all move to the same place; low crime area of course, and create our town!!! Southport NC is great & coastal! I’m sure there are many many more!!!
Welcome to my website Brandy. I wish I had the resources to create our own Hallmark type town. I’m going to check out Southport, NC. Thanks for commenting. 🙂
Christina Montes
Wow!! I’m so glad I’m not the only one!! On a mission to find us the perfect little town! I will keep you ladies posted!
Welcome to my website Christina. Thanks for commenting. 🙂
Small Town Dreaming
It is amazing to see how long this chain has been going on. It’s been years and still we are all searching for a town that has the community feeling we’ve been missing. Of course as the holiday movies begin to play again, the desire is reignited. I grew up in Florida but spent my summer in York, Maine. It’s a great place with old fashion bowling, small bandstands on the beach, small country stores and delicious breakfast diners. It’s just way too cold for winters 😉
Maybe one day someone on this chain will create the perfect small town, and we will all move in.
Welcome to my website and thanks for commenting. I think we have enough people looking to make one of those small towns. 😉
Darrelyn Jordan
I say we all create this town! There are so many people here who all want the same thing! We surely have enough to create a town!!! ❤️❤️
Welcome to my website Darrelyn. That’s a great idea! 🙂 I wonder how we would go about doing it? Where would we locate it? Hmm. Lots of things to think about.
Peggy Peuster
Several websites you can check out:
11 Small New England Towns That Would Look Great In Hallmark Movies
30 best Christmas towns in the USA
And I looked up where “The Good Witch” series is taped. It’s a town in Onterio called “Niagara by the lake.” I would love to visit that one someday!
Welcome to my website Peggy and thanks for the great references. I’m going to look them up. 🙂
Hi Peggy
I’m from the UK but in 2001 stayed a month in Toronto. I visited niagara by the lake and after an afternoon of wine tasting (they have several great wineries. …hic) I was in no state to drive back. I stayed at a gorgeous little inn and had the warmest of welcomes, when the owners realised I was on my own they refused to let me eat alone and I ate with them . It was one of the loveliest times I’ve ever had.
Welcome to my website Julia. Thanks for sharing this with us. 🙂
I live in a super small town. Hunter, ND. Population about 200. But the town is nothing like what you see in the movies. There’s a couple of businesses but the main four are the Post Office, The Cafe, Nepsted Oil (gas station), and The Bank. There are I believe four or five churches in the town. And it’s literally one main road thru the town. I believe if we had tree lighting ceremonies or a school in the actual town where we could do the Christmas Pageants or Santa Dinners or other fund raising it’d be great. But the school is about 8 miles outside of the town but we never do anything like that in our town. The biggest thing we do is have a street dance once or twice a year. And a yearly city wide yard sale. Where everyone has a yard sale on the same day and you just walk or drive around the town to everyone’s place to see if you can help a neighbor out by buying something from them. We do use our fire hall and sometimes our ambulance building for fund raising for the I’ll people in town. Like someone who has lived here their whole life or a decade or so gets sick and can’t afford medical treatment they open up one of the buildings and cook dinners and have Raffles and you donate or buy a plate and sometimes they sale t-shirts at them to help. Mostly the town isn’t a lot like the Hallmark movies, but the people are very kind and have the biggest hearts and they do genuinely care. I live in the center of that town, moved here three years back straight out of Austin Texas. The town is just about 42 miles North of Fargo ND. It’s next to yet another small town named Arthur. Another named Hillsboro and another named Mayville and another named Cassleton. Now I’m not sure about the others but in Arthur and Hunter the people are great. And I think the population is close to the same for both. I heard that there were a couple of places in Vermont that were actually used in a couple of the Xmas movies that did actually exist. And another in Georgia somewhere. I’m kind of deadset on a town like the one Christmas Inheritance was set in. Or Christmas with a View. I’m a sucker for a town like the ones these movies are based out of. But I do wonder if I will ever find my true little Hallmark town.
Welcome to my website April. I’m so excited to hear that there are some small towns where the community cares. Thank you for sharing your town with us. 🙂
I found your website when I was trying to identify where certain Hallmark movies were filmed. Many of the new 2018 Christmas movies were filmed in towns local to me near the Connecticut River. They are really more like villages, and I am so grateful to be able to enjoy their quaintness and charm. Living here really does feel like a Hallmark movie!
Having said that, here are a couple of things to keep in mind: 1) New England states (and CT in particular) have a very expensive cost of living, compared to other states in the U.S. People are moving out to the southern states by the thousands every year, and our family is considering this as well. Property taxes, gas, electricity/heat, groceries, etc. are all vastly more expensive, and well-paying jobs are disappearing by the thousands as well. Businesses cannot afford to stay. The amazing economy and low unemployment in other parts of the country have passed us by. Houses are losing their value.
2) If you have not grown up in the small town where you want to move, the only way to meet the locals and have that Hallmark experience is to get involved in the life of the town. My husband and I grew up in another part of our state, and didn’t know a soul. But we introduced ourselves to our neighbors, and volunteered a little here and there. We attended some of the community events, and over time developed relationships with the small business owners too. Time is the key — from some of the posts here it seems like people were disappointed that the town they chose wasn’t as friendly as they’d hoped. With everyone so busy, it just takes longer and a pretty consistent effort to develop new relationships and become part of the community. Frequent your local coffee shop, the library, a church or place of worship, school events…whatever works for you. Eventually you’ll get to know each other’s names and feel more a part of your new home.
Hope this helps!
Welcome to my website Deb and thank you for the great insight. It is certainly true that real life brings additional things to consider. 🙂
Hello Deb & Lorraine!
Hope you all are doing well You might as well include me in this list of Hallmark seekers I agree with Deb there are a few things to consider, when I was in search of that Hallmark town there was a few sites that mention places in Vermont, Maryland etc. but you (we) need to look into the cost of living in those areas because these beautiful places also cost a pretty penny to live in. The sad thing is that everything Deb said is, TRUE! times are tough but all of our hearts want to live in that quaint little town *sigh. I hope there is one out there for us all Anyways, what is your alls feedback on North Carolina; Asheville? There are probably other towns in NC that are beautiful but I would not want to be so close to the coastal due to hurricanes, definitely something else I look into when I’m searching for that Hallmark town.
Welcome to my website Autumn. I found the Asheville area of North Carolina to be beautiful when I went through it, but I don’t know enough about it to give any feedback. Anyone else? 🙂
Too big! They have a lot of fun festivals, but the people who attend are not like the ones in a hallmark movie.
Thanks tmarie. 🙂
I say we all pool our money, resources and skills together and purchase one of these small towns that have been deserted and make our own town! We call it the Town of Hallmark. Can you imagine? If done correctly tourism dollars alone would pay for it’s upkeep , which I bet we all have enough experience of viewing to get this done!
Welcome to my website Jo. That sounds like quite a project but there just might be enough knowledge within this group of people to do it. 🙂
Marie B
I’m another kindred spirit looking for the hallmark town. I’m thinking that’s what I would look for when my kids go off to college soon. Maybe the idea of a hallmark style adult community that is set in an idyllic Christmas town is an idea. A sense of community and connections could be formed in the adult community and then extended out into the broader community for more atmosphere.
Welcome to my website Marie. Thank you for commenting. 🙂
I’ve given a lot of thought to this topic over the years… not just when the Hallmark Christmas movies appear, but also when watching reruns of Gillmore Girls and other shows/movies which feature these idealized towns.
I think there are two reasons these towns don’t really exist:
The first is the economy. Everyone in these movies lives in lovely homes which are perfectly maintained, and the towns are extraordinarily well-maintained, but they have zero industry other than shops and services. In order for a town to exist the way they do in these towns, everyone would have to be independently wealthy and pay taxes or make donations to city services. Then they could have hobby jobs like that lovely cafe or that darling book store. Because in reality, none of those shops are making enough money to support the lifestyles these people all live.
The second is mental health. The people in these fictional towns are all amazingly psychologically healthy. Once in a while you have the one busy-body or gossip or judgmental person or the curmudgeon, but everyone gently tolerates and loves that person through their challenges. In reality, the majority of people are vaguely neurotic, prejudiced, judgey, defensive, etc.
On top of that everyone has their own unique vision of what ideal looks like, and not everyone would agree. The level of peace and harmony exuded by the residents of these fictional towns could only be achieved if everyone was in therapy five days a week or if they ran a constant stream of valium in the public water works.
I love the dream, too. I really do. But if we all wanted that, there is nothing stopping us from trying to create it in our own neighborhood. Whether you live in the country, the suburbs, or a city, you could create a community with your neighbors. Unfortunately, your neighbors may not be the community you hope for. If we all wanted that same ideal world, we would probably already be living in it.
Welcome to my website KayRock. So much of what you say is true and I agree that, to some extent, we can all try to create that community feeling within our own sphere of influence. Thanks for your insight. 🙂
Debbie Maxwell
I have so many times thought the same thing also. It looks like there are so many of us tired of the way life is in our towns. Almost feels like we all need to get together and make a town of our own.
Welcome to my website Debbie. Thanks for commenting. 🙂
I was thinking the same thing. It seems as though there are enough of us that we could make it work! My parents lived in a small town called Minden near Lake Tahoe and Reno. They did the whole Christmas tree lighting in the square which is surrounded by homes that are on the historic registry list. I loved it there.
Welcome to my website Sara. Thanks for commenting. 🙂
I too would love to live and retire in a “Hallmark” kind of town. I live in NYC, and although it is beautiful around Christmas time, the traffic, harsh winters, etc…gets kind of tiring. I did visit a town in Upstate NY that really impressed me- Skaneateles, NY. They have a beautiful town, with a lot of events around Christmas time where some of the town folk get dressed up in Colonial wear, like a Charles Dickens Christmas with carol singing, and the town decorated in a festive way. Skaneateles also has a lot of quaint shops and restaurants. Definitely worth checking out. Reminded me of a “Hallmark” kind of town.
Welcome to my website Margaret. That sounds like a neat town. I’m going to check it out. 🙂
Cathy Dail
I live near a small town that has the potential to become a “Hallmark” town. Creswell, NC was once a bustling town and has a small Main Street with historic buildings. It is a coastal town near the Outer Banks. There is a pristine lake nearby. There are excellent community colleges within a 50 mile radius but many young people leave the area to attend universities in the larger cities and do not return. There was a small close knit elementary school and high school in the town but the county is closing those due to the small number of students. A group of parents in the town have worked together and received approval to start a charter school. The weather is very nice, and the cost of living and crime are rate are low. Why not create your “Hallmark” town in Creswell, NC?
Welcome to my website Cathy. Thanks for the heads up on Creswell, NC. Let’s take a look at it shall we everyone? 🙂
Duane Carpenter
Hi, My name is Duane.
When I retired after 30 years of teaching, ( in Katy, Texas), my wife told me to take her out of Texas. After selling everything and buying a Tiffin Motorhome, we’ve been traveling around looking for a place to retire. My wife had DVR & watched every Hallmark Christmas movie and I believe that’s the type of town she is looking for. Does anyone have any information on or about: Sisters, Oregon or Bar Harbor, Maine?
Welcome to my website Duane. That is so great that you and your wife are able to travel to find that place to retire. I’m a little envious. 😉
Does anyone know about Sisters, Oregon or Bar Harbor, Maine?
My sister lives in a small town in Maine, South Bristol. The people are warm and welcoming if you are a permanent resident. PFA (People From Away) are appreciated for their tourist dollars.
A slightly bigger town (pop 2200), is the town of Damariscotta, Maine. Downtown belongs in a Hallmark movie. There is one theater, a library, local bookstore & cafe, a yarn shop and other small businesses. In general people leave keys in cars and don’t lock the door to their home. At Christmas time, someone was selling evergreen wreaths. No person present, just a box for you to leave the money for the one you took. Trusting in the honesty and good of people.
I currently live in California and want to retire to a “Hallmark” town. Just need one with a little less annual snow than Damariscotta.
Welcome to my website Kathy. Thanks for the suggestions. 🙂
Hi everyone I think we have the plot for a Hallmark movie here….. Lorraine I think you should write the story…. Synopsis, disparate group of romantics search for a Hallmark town brings us all together on a website… we go about trying to recreate a Hallmark town and along the way we stumble, fall, argue, some of us fall in love with each other and ultimately we all prevail as we discover how to find in ourselves what we are all searching for!
LOL 😀 Thanks for the vote of confidence for writing the story. It does sound like a Hallmark movie though doesn’t it? Welcome to my website Pam.
I am so glad i got to read your site and all of the people on here talking the way i have been, how i feel too. my family and friends think i am stupid and just a day dreamer my weekends are watching Hallmark movies just wishing i could find a place to live like that. I just sold my house in Long Beach California and i am about to hit the road this next month to go find what i am looking for. I have a friend that lives near Elko Nevada she is in spring creek says its just what i am looking for so i am going to go check it out. Again thank you for having this site and for knowing so many more people feel the same.
Welcome to my website Trase’ – let us know if Elko Nevada fits the bill. 🙂
I am so wanting to live in an old fashioned, wholesome small town like many on here state. One where the residents have shared values.
I’m one of the sad stories of once small town that was ruined by too many people moving here and bad policies. It used to be a Hallmark town in rural Northern California. Stunning wilderness, ocean, forests, mountains, lakes and rivers. Preserved Old Town. Community Spirit. You name it. My childhood was downright wholesome. But California’s lax laws on crime now, and a whole other complicated set of political and social factors have nearly destroyed it. It’s rife with junkies, violent criminals, child molesters, thugs and homeless, and just rude people. Rather than caring for family values, people here thrive in an ‘alternative’ community that openly brags about any depraved behaviour, especially of a sexual or drug related. You will often meet someone who smiles about ‘just getting out of jail’ while their pit bull tugs on a leash….that sort of thing. The once thriving economy is terrible. What used to be virtually empty roads that all of us kids used to play openly on, and open fields, are now as busy as highways and full of housing developments. The driving here is notably reckless and accidents are common. If you try to address any of it, you are written off as some kind of ‘prude’, ‘moral policing’, or even a ‘bigot’.
It’s become nearly unbearable for locals, of which there are hardly any left. Now I’m wishing for a new place to raise my kids. Don’t misunderstand, I’m not suggesting all outsiders should be unwelcome or such, but within reason, and they should respect the community. But this is also the nature of everyone trying to find somewhere new.
Most of the wholesome TV shows and films shown now are filmed in Canada I’m fairly certain. But even it has its share of issues. I’m sort of thinking that we need to try and transform our own communities may be the way to go. But I’m not sure how to achieve this.
Welcome to my website Em. I’m so sorry to hear about your small town. I guess we each need to find ways to make a difference and hopefully that will lead to greater change. Thanks for commenting. 🙂
I can’t believe I found this sight….I thought I was the only person looking for that small town..friendly…low crime, clean, beautiful “hallmark spot”. I currently live in Florida and am searching for a town I can call home. I am originally from New England and while I loved living there the cost and tons of snow drove me out. Because so many developers create their own “towns” here in Florida like lakewood ranch and palmer ranch I do believe we could create “Hallmark”. I am in for creating this town sooner than later.
Welcome to my website Debbie. Thanks for commenting. 🙂
Roxanne Scelp
My little town was a nice place at one time. It was town that was built by a steel mill and like many small towns at the time was self sufficient. Enter malls, strip malls, large chain stores etc, and we saw the demise of nice little communities. I long for a place like the Hallmark movie towns. I was born a little late to enjoy my town’s heyday. I’ve watched it become a low income, drug problems, broken town that now has vegetation growing over abandoned houses. It.Is.So.Sad!
Oh that is really sad Roxanne. Thanks for sharing your experience with us and welcome to my website.
All i can say, the closest thing I have been to is Highlands, NC. I would definitely move there in a heartbeat if I had the money. Very high end.
Welcome to my website Cecilia. Thanks for sharing that town with us. 🙂
I just moved to Florida from my dream small town… Crozet, VA. It’s about 15 mins outside of Charlottesville tucked at the base of the Shenandoah Mountains. Cute coffee shops, wineries, horse country, and a great community. 30 mins from a ski resort, right next to Monticello, plenty of orchards and farmland (including a mountaintop orchard). Miss it so much- no where comes close to a hallmark movie like this place ❤️ Definitely worth a visit to this area for a wine and mountain lover.
Welcome to my website Sarah. Thanks so much for sharing your small town with us. I think we should check it out! 🙂
Check out Cedarburg, Wisconsin. Adorable town just outside Milwaukee.
Welcome to my website Katie. Thanks for the suggestion. 🙂
Brandy Jenkins
I’m currently looking for a small town like Hope Valley!!! Interested in going south, currently in Gettysburg, PA
Welcome to my website Brandy. Thanks for commenting. 🙂
I live in a small town located in a small state, but I too have been looking for a small town with a “Hallmark vibe.” Do you have have any recommendations from your research so far of places to look into?
Welcome to my website Ryan. I do not have any recommendations since I haven’t been able to visit any of the places that others have recommended. But keep checking back here. You never know when someone will recommend a town that is close enough for you to check out. 🙂
Ok that’s it. Let’s build our own town. I’m in. Now to find funding and a location. I’m in let’s do this. I want to live in a town like Middleton from The Good witch.
Welcome to my website Candace. Thanks for commenting. 🙂
Hi Loraine,
I also found you while looking for the perfect “HALLMARK” town to move to. I would love to find someplace like “Hope Valley” or maybe “Evergreen”, if they exist. That is my dream and I have to believe that with all of these like minded people on here that if our perfect town doesn’t exist then somehow we can all come together to build our own. Where there is a will, there is a way.
Welcome to my website Jacqueline. Thanks for commenting. 🙂