It’s all about surrender – Part 2

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It's All About Surrender - Part 2   www.lorainenunley.comFor many of us, surrender is difficult. We are afraid of what we lose when we surrender. But God meant for surrender to be a blessing and a place of rest. Surrender is the end of the war. The worry and the stress of fighting the war go away with total surrender. Not that we don’t have battles in our lives, but that the war has been won. We have the reassurance that the important stuff has been taken well in hand by God. Of course, being human, most of us have trouble giving up the control. Sometimes we have to go through hell and back on the battlefield in order to be willing to surrender and let God handle things. That is where my marriage story begins.

My husband and I grew up knowing God. Somewhere along the line, we walked away from Him so that we could be “in charge” of our own destinies. We were never too far away from Him, but far enough. Our former marriages were our own choosing, not prayerfully considered, and ended in divorce. We spent time dating other people and looking for that relationship that would fill the empty hole. During this time, we found ourselves remembering God and seeking Him again. Finally, out of sheer frustration and a sincere desire to “get it right this time”, we surrendered. We waved the white flag at God and told Him that we completely surrendered to Him and His will for our lives. If that meant that we would be single parents for the rest of our lives, then so be it. You see, sometimes you have to fight the long, hard battle in order to appreciate the surrender. That’s what happened to us. For us, it happened within a few weeks of each other – God’s timing is always perfect. God knew that we had to be free of our own selfishness – that we had to come to a place of surrender – before He could put us together. Within weeks of our actual surrender, God put us together and has been refining our relationship ever since. Fast forward thirteen years and our relationship is better than it has ever been. Was surrender difficult? You bet. I can’t count the number of times that I tried to take control back. Was surrender worth it? Definitely.

Have you considered surrender in your relationship?

[tweetthis]Surrender is not about losing, it is about gaining. #MarriageAdvice #Remarriage[/tweetthis]

-Loraine Nunley