My Writing Life: Plot Consultation
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I’ve been writing pretty much my whole life. From the time I could put words together I have been telling stories.
It is a passion of mine, this writing thing.
For the past few years I have been getting more serious about my writing. To that end, I have prayed for God to help me pursue this passion.
You know what they say about being careful what you wish for?
Couple that with the fact that God truly has a great sense of humor and that is where I am finding myself.
Being pushed out of my comfort zone. 😮
Recently I won a free plot consultation from the blog Seekerville and the plot whisperer, Martha Alderson.
I entered the giveaway to win a copy of her book. Instead I won the phone consultation.
You know, I love writing craft books. I collect them actually. I even read some of them. But I can put those on my shelf and live my introverted life without making any ripples in my writing waters.
Not so with an actual phone consultation.
Talk about getting out of my comfort zone.
I had to talk on the phone to someone I had never met about my writing. Someone much more knowledgeable and wise about the craft of writing.
Can you say ‘intimidating’?
I was a nervous wreck when the time to have the consultation came around. I didn’t know what to expect but I was pretty sure that it would involve being told I had no talent whatsoever and that I shouldn’t quit my day job.
It was nothing like that. In fact, I came away from the consultation with a clearer vision of what I wanted my story to be. Martha was encouraging and gave me so much to think about. She guided me without telling me what to do. I found a renewal of my passion for the characters and their story as well as a refreshing of my spirit to do what I feel God has called me to.
I like my cushy comfort zone, but what a rush it is to step out of it and be better because I stepped out in faith.
What about you? Has God pushed you out of your comfort zone recently?
[tweetthis]Letting God push me out of my comfort zone has been rewarding. #amwriting #writerslife[/tweetthis]