Reader Poll: What genres do you like to read?
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I attended my first ACFW (American Christian Fiction Writers) national conference this year. It was exciting and overwhelming to say the least. I learned a lot about myself and about the writing industry as a whole. I plan to share some of those discoveries with you from time to time.
One thing that is clear is that a writer should know their audience, which brings me to you – my dear blog readers. Your blog comments are very dear to me because you take time out of your busy schedules to connect with me. I really appreciate that. Please keep doing that.
In an effort to get to know you, I will also periodically have reader polls. This is my first one. I hope it is pretty painless. π
[poll id=”2″] [tweetthis]What is your favorite genre to read? Tell me in this reader poll. #ChristFic #amreading[/tweetthis]

Lisa Harness
Thanks for commenting Lisa. Make sure you voted in the poll too. π