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Reader Poll: What is your favorite way to enter a book giveaway?

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Reader Poll : What is your favorite way to enter a book giveaway? |

[poll id=”9″] [tweetthis]What is your favorite way to enter a book giveaway? Tell me in this reader poll. #poll #amreading[/tweetthis]


  • Paula Shreckhise

    Commenting is easy but may make you think. Some contests are sooooooo long and have sooooo many entries. Sometimes I canโ€™t get my buttons to work! Simpler is better!

  • Elma Brooks

    I like commenting on their blog cause sometimes Rafflecopter have to many steps,go visit here ,share by Twitter which I don’t do so I missed that entry .sometime they do get overwhelming..Just want comment and share if possible.

  • Perrianne Askew

    I donโ€™t mind putting some thought into it or visiting pages. But I donโ€™t Tweet or Instagram. Rafflecopter is ok but does sometimes does not work. Promosimple seems to be fairly smooth. Gleam I have yet to get to work for me. I hope this helps.