Reader Poll: Where do you post book reviews?
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[poll id=”11″] [tweetthis]Where do you post book reviews? Tell me in this reader poll. #bookreview #amreading[/tweetthis]
Linda Moffitt
Amazon and Goodreads. Always, unless I really didn’t like it.
Bookbub and Others Very Rarely.
Thanks for commenting Linda. Don’t forget to enter those in your vote. 🙂
Anne L. Rightler
If it is a book that I have agreed to review for an author, pretty much wherever I can find it. Barnes & Noble
Books a Million
If it is a library book or a book I just picked up to read for ‘fun’ I will likely only post to Goodreads for my own accounting of books I’ve read.
Anne L. Rightler
BookBub too
Thanks for commenting Anne. Make sure that you’ve put these answers in using the VOTE button in the post. 🙂
Winnie Thomas
I post on Goodreads, Amazon, Bookbub, Barnes & Noble, Books-a-Million, CBD, and NetGalley (if I get the book there). Sometimes I’ll post on other sites, too, but these are my go-to ones.
Thanks for commenting Winnie. Make sure that you have voted using the ‘VOTE’ button in the post as well. 🙂
Danielle Hammelef
I leave reviews on Goodreads, Amazon, sometimes B&N, sometimes on tumblr.
Thanks for commenting Danielle. If the ‘VOTE’ button is gone from the post, that usually indicates that you’ve already voted in the poll. I’ll check the settings to make sure, but have noted your vote for the contest. 🙂