Successful Christian Remarriage

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My first book, which was published in 2012, is “I Do… Over? A Christian’s Guide to Remarriage”.

I Do Over... A Christian's Guide to Remarriage by Loraine D. Nunley

It is a book meant to help other Christian’s who are navigating the seas of remarriage. Whatever your opinion about divorce and remarriage, the fact is that there are many Christian’s out there who are in that boat. My husband and I are there. We celebrated our 13th anniversary this past year (2015) and have been successful in learning from those mistakes that many others make in their own marriages. Shortly after my book went on the market, my husband and I began a blog to continue helping others make their marriages successful.

This year, we have decided to move in other directions and so we will be phasing out the remarriage blog and migrating the advice from that blog to my author blog here. While the advice is primarily to help those in remarriages, we have found it to be beneficial to first marriages as well.

Please join me here on Thursdays every week for these blog posts.

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-Loraine Nunley