I Do… Over? A Christian’s Guide to Remarriage
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Back of the book: When we were children and made a mistake during play, we could call for a “do-over” to get a second chance to get it right. For those of us who are remarried, this is our chance to call that “do-over”. Divorce and remarriage are statistically on the rise in the United States. The rate of divorce increases with each remarriage that a person goes through. The odds are heavily stacked against the success of a remarriage. Unfortunately, the same can be said of Christian remarriages as well. So what can you do to ensure the success of your remarriage? We are a Christian couple that has been successfully remarried for ten years. We have personally weathered many storms during our marriage and, with God’s help, we have beat the odds. We want to let you in on the secrets of our success! Ranging from information on how we handle our relationship with each other and God, to tips on dealing with stress in your marriage, we will give you some tools to help make your “do-over” a success.
About this book: There are so many things that I wish I had done differently in my first marriage – so many things I have learned from my remarriage. This book is the fruit of my desire to help other Christian’s who are going through the same struggles and successes that I have had in this journey of remarriage. I believe that God can use everything to His glory, even our failures. I am honored that God has used this book and me to be an encouragement to others.
Where can I get this book: This book is available at Amazon.com in paperback and Kindle eBook forms (click on the link below):
I Do… Over? A Christians Guide to Remarriage

Thank you so much for this book. My wife & I are really lonikog forward to reading & using it.We are facilitators in our churchs Enriched Marrriage Preparation team ( Second Marriage &/or over 35 &/or with children.) There is a huge amount of information out there for younger couples, but not a lot for remarriage or older couples. Issues are different and people have more baggage & issues and in some ways are more comfortable with themselves as solitary individuals.
Thank you for the great feedback Carla. I hope that this book is a blessing (and a good resource) for you and others in your groups. My husband and I also have a blog that goes along with the book. Check out http://www.successfulchristianremarriage.com for more info and resources there. Also, keep checking back on this site as I am working on another Christian remarriage book.