The Importance of Education in your Marriage
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School? Now don’t groan here. After all, Life itself is continuing education. We learn something new every day even when we are not aware of it.
[tweetthis]How do you and your spouse further your #education about marriage? #amlearning [/tweetthis]There is no harm in learning things that improve your relationship. Over the years, my husband and I have attended live seminars, video seminars, read and discussed books, listened to various speakers and watched videos online. When we were first married, we were privileged enough to attend a live seminar with Dr. Emerson Eggerichs who speaks on “Love and Respect”. It was entertaining as well as educational and we took away a lot of valuable information for our marriage. A few years went by and our church had a video seminar from Dr. Eggerichs which we also attended. So you may be asking yourself why we attended the same seminar. That is a good question. We attended it because it had been a few years and we wanted to be reminded of the good information and also because we knew it was entertaining.
Anything that is educational and entertaining at the same time is a good resource. I recommend utilizing the vast amounts of resources available to you that will help your marriage. You can read my book, I Do… Over? A Christian’s Guide to Remarriage (Shameless plug! 🙂 ), attend seminars, watch videos, read other books, etc… And don’t just look at resources for marriage, but also those for finances and step-families. Of course, the most important resource that you can utilize is the Bible. God has much to say on marriage and how it should work.
[tweetthis]#Education is a good way to build your marriage. #MarriageAdvice [/tweetthis]