Unboxing and Review: She Reads Truth Subscription Box (April 2022)
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Welcome to this unboxing of a the She Reads Truth subscription box for April 2022.
I have found some wonderful boxes. My YouTube channel is full of video unboxings if you are interested. I also share my unboxings on my sister website for those boxes that are not books.
By far, my favorite boxes are the ones with the books in them. And those unboxings I share on this website.
I ordered this subscription through the She Reads Truth website. The box includes one new Bible Study Book each month. This also includes access to community sales and a Bible study app. Sometimes there are additional gifts.
What did I get in my box this month? I am going to share the contents with you here. My review is not for the book or the items I received because I haven’t read/used them yet, but instead will be for the content and subscription experience.
- The box arrived in good shape and well labeled.
- On the top of everything was a welcome postcard with information about connecting to the online study group if interested.
- The first item in the box was the Bible study book. This month’s study was titled 1 & 2 Timothy.
- In addition to the study book, there were two small quote prints.
This is everything I received in the box.
Check out the unboxing video on YouTube!
What I liked:
- Everything was packaged well.
- Good quality book
- Thick cover
- Previews of upcoming studies
- Access to community studies via app and podcasts
What I didn’t like:
- Nothing
Overall Opinion
This was my third box with this subscription. I’ve had my eye on it because I am always looking for ways to get myself more involved in Bible reading. I like that there is a different theme each month. I completed the March study and learned so much while enjoying the process. I am looking forward to doing this Bible study.
This subscription service is $20/month plus tax where applicable and $5.95/shipping.
-Loraine Nunley
Unboxing and review of the She Reads Truth subscription box for April 2022 #BibleStudy #SubscriptionBox @shereadstruth Share on XI have found some wonderful boxes. My YouTube channel is full of video unboxing’s if you are interested. I also share my unboxing’s on my sister website for those boxes that are not books.